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Everything posted by Inky

  1. lol thats all there is to tell, my life is pretty boring. I work like a dog and drive my wife and kids all over the damn city when I'm not working, I get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep a day. and somehow manage to carve out some game and guitar time in there somewhere. if I am posting here that means I am at work There has to be more, tell me something.....more... I'm wearing blue plaid boxers.....
  2. lol thats all there is to tell, my life is pretty boring. I work like a dog and drive my wife and kids all over the damn city when I'm not working, I get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep a day. and somehow manage to carve out some game and guitar time in there somewhere. if I am posting here that means I am at work
  3. the Wii has the worst good to crap ratio. there MAY BE 15 good Wii games, everything else is shovelware. I regret buying a Wii with every bone in my body, it's a dust collector.
  4. just hang around the big daddies and they will start banging on walls and the little sisters will come out of holes in the walls.
  5. working my ass off trying to cover shifts, home for some gtaIV, hang with the familia, rinse repeat.
  6. I'm at work right now... wheres fatal? I suck ass at VF5 anyways.........
  7. I had a guy hanging onto the car door for dear life on me as well. lol I did a quick e-brake u-turn and slung him down the street. that was pretty sweet. I have no complaints about graphics, GTA has never been cutting edge graphics, and they are pretty much middle of the road for this generation. I haven't really noticed any pop-up and the only loading so far is right when you start up the game like a minute. I haven't unlocked the other islands yet though.
  8. failure rates are wildly exaggerated, only owners of broken consoles report failures. there are plenty of launch units still in the wild. and latest boards are very reliable. and Wiz, Shadowrun was pretty good. don't hate.
  9. DLC and Arcade is tied to your gamertag so you can re-download it again free.
  10. after the monologe and top 10 list, there isn't much worth watching on lettermen in recent years.
  11. there are multiple myths about wrestlers having standins over the years. besides warrior there was a myth about multiple Kanes, and even the Undertaker (there was fake-Undertaker but that was an angle.) Diesel and Razor Ramon also had imposters as an angle. There is a guy who has been wrestling as Sting in Japan since the mid 80's I've also heard of Multiple Great Mutas but I dunno about that. ahh how I miss 80's and 90's wrestling.
  12. it's by no means a 10. but a solid 8.5~9. very good game.. but I don't think any game really deserves a 10, nothing is perfect and something better is always on the horizon.
  13. I'm at the office doing dispatch so no. although I'd like to hit someone with a stick right about now
  14. I'll be following Conan to the tonight show. Fallon is meh, I don't wanna say he sucks, he has made me laugh in the past. but I have always been a conan fan.
  15. my company is doing the security... it's a flocking cluster flock. that is all.
  16. pretty much all the xboxs in stock now should have the HDMI / newer boards.
  17. yeah I have to disconnect from live, until 29th. not worried about getting banned (if I do oh well I hardly play MP anyways) I was getting bombarded with friend requests and nasty hater messages. lol. but overall I am liking it. it seems kinda like its in slow-mo though. walking and stuff seems too slow.
  18. I got the 2nd release that didn't come with a remote... and I'll have you know the sticky controller is NOT porn related LOL. i have no idea how it happened. one of my kids with sticky candy fingers prolly
  19. shhhhh. with my wired controller.
  20. nope, I'm just using my wired one :\
  21. it's obviously Street fighter II. take you pick which version.
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