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Everything posted by Inky

  1. not only are the screws torx..... they are those security type with the peg in the middle.... now I have to buy another set.... grah. I am half way to the cost of another controller at this point.
  2. Yup, Nokia phones are the only ones I've ever liked. I like their interface, build quality, and design. Too bad they're usually behind spec to other Moto and Samsung phones in the US. I've always wonder why Nokia phones in the US are always crappier than Nokia phones in other parts of the world. I used to have Nokia and i loved it but that was a long time ago, right now even tho most of their phones have high specs the design isn't that good compare to other cell phone companies. I like Sony Ericsson designs and LG too. BTW does Verizon changes all of their phones' interface? Yes. Verizon "crapitizes" all of the phones they sell. not the smartphones.
  4. that third warrior stuff is urban legend, it's been the same guy all along. he did actually change his name to ultimate warrior. he's a crazy neo conservative blogger now.
  5. where the hell are the mods, I reported this post like 2 hours ago, ...... I got nothin against porn but there are kids here,
  6. thats freaking cool. I wish they would bring out a snes on a chip.
  7. damn it went up like an hour after I went to bed. I could have woke up to a completed DL damnit. region locked.
  8. Don't they have to use Elmer's Glue to keep their hair standing up like that? they make gels and stuff that are strong enough now. back in my day it was all about the elmers, if you were poor you used egg whites. we used to bleach our hair white and use kool-aid as a temp dye too
  9. have you ever read his blog, he don't need no more crazy.
  10. other then the color I think it looks fine. hell whitewall the sides and ya got yerself a vampramp
  11. looks like a false alarm. damn fakers.
  12. usa/canada version appears to be getting leaked now.
  13. all the talk lately about MK had me pull out MK:Armageddon
  14. samsung i730 for me
  15. you can go any darker shade from orange. just go to walgreens and get a box of dye. grab a light or medium brown and go to town.
  16. the adam corolla morning show
  17. I can't even throw a fireball on a keyboard.
  18. I seriously cant fathom how you play everything with a keyboard. the only thing I can play on a keyboard is FPS.
  19. Hank III - cocaine blues.
  20. one more 2 hour episode and I'll have completed season 1 of lost. I dunno if I can make the commitment to watch the other 3 seasons. there seem to by twice as many episodes as any other season of shows I've watched.
  21. my son got a kiss on the cheek from scarlett while she was filming the island, the whole ending was filmed in a small desert town I used to live in. the school took a field trip to the filming. it was cool. side note.... major LOLs at tyra banks huge forehead. thats more like an eighthead
  22. agreed, I made that suggestion a while back and got shot down hard.
  23. thats cuz she looks like an alien.
  24. I dunno what it means in mario cart but in surfing and skating its when someone shoots out infront of you to take your wave / line.
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