I used to use Nero exclusivly but when I first upgraded to vista my copy wouldn't even install, so I went to imgburn and never looked back, it does pretty much everything nero does. data, images, music. what else do you need.
Davia gave me this one a few days ago: http://www.tv-links.cc/ pretty good it does have an anime section but I wouldn't know about that. I watch movies on it. quality and selection is overall good. of course there is hulu.com and the major networks too.
it was like little flash games. not all that exciting, if I remember correctly they had leaderboards and the high scorer had it in his profile. or something like that.
yeah for file backup and what not I see no reason for blueray. a dl dvd burner can be had for under 50 bucks, top o' the line verbatim dvd+r DL go for about 35 bucks for 15 discs. you can get memorex for half that. thats 127.5 gigs right there.
quoted for great justice. but anyways I find watching porn in a group of people highly uncomfortable, alone, check. with wife/girlfriend, check! with friends and family, ewwwww.
loved the first 2, never played tactics but I'm not big on "tactics" games. I'm looking forward to this one. IMO Bethesda has the best handle on the "western RPG" and yes I even enjoyed Oblivion.