In my opinion the 2 franchises are incompatible. (3d and 2d, "realistic" and Projectile, ect.) the reason CvS works so well is because they are so similar. character wise and even down to input style. 1/4 circles and charges. any SF player can figure out the basics of a SNK character within a round. And vice versa. Tekken's input style is completely different. the fighting style is completely different. just throwing characters into a new engine they weren't designed for is just asking for trouble. SF characters have about 18 normals and 2~4 specials. Tekken characters have what... 40+ normals? and 4~8 throws. 2 separate games just splits the fan base. SFIV guys are gonna buy Capcom's and Tekken guys are gonna buy Namco's. few will have 120 bucks to blow on 2 vs fighting games. For instance I am sure 'Grim will get the Namco offering. which means if I want to play him I have to get it too. Solidius may go for the Capcom version and on and on down my friends list. splitting my potential friendly opponents in half. I just don't see anything good coming from this. hopefully I am wrong but I guess we won't know for quite some time.