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Everything posted by Inky

  1. FAIL. oh please... like your precious KOF doesn't have any cheesy big combos.
  2. like this? More like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=91GXpXidNNw&feature=related I was gonna post that one but I thought... nah to obvious. but awesome none the less! "prepare for downcount!"
  3. Kids are at Grandma's for spring break. when they aren't around I don't celebrate holidays. so happy Sunday or whatever.
  4. the Tick live action TV show from 2001. 9 episodes of win.
  5. lol how many chances does this guy get in the month he's been a member.
  6. something I've never done before? hmm. how about take a week off of work. I've never had a vacation in my adult life.
  7. from all the stuff you are posting I say you have three options at this point. since you obviously aren't computer savvy. A: hire a local geek to fix it. B: take it to a local shop and get overcharged C: format and reinstall.
  8. But, I said to give me a program where you don't have to register to remove Trojan and repair the problems. And you have to register that program to repair the problems and remove Trojan. and I said use the manual removal instructions. my advise is to format and reisntall windows. what you have is a virus, not spyware, have you tryed avg antivirus? its free. there are a few other antivirus programs that are free. google it. everythign I have posted came from a simple google search.
  9. http://www.spywaredb.com/remove-backdoor-subseven/ try the manual instructions there. if all else fails backup, format, reinstall always works.
  10. damn thats an old ass virus: http://www.symantec.com/security_response/...-99&tabid=1
  11. I've had an r4ds for almost a year with no complaints.
  12. I will need some protection. get some psychics and exorcists on speeddial.
  13. exactly, I heard DMC4 has a 45 minute install time. you shouldn't have to install games on a console....
  14. there is nothing more true. I am a pirate I admit it freely, I am not a customer. if they found some way to stop me completely, I'd pretty much stop playing games. I haven't been to a movie theater in years and don't miss it. I don't even own a cd player for music.
  15. that hallway looks straight out of "A Haunting" watch out for demons and ghosts
  16. Hmmm, not my type not mine either, i wouldn't use the word cute to describe her. she's decent though Ouch ouch. Agreed though. Photos of women = thread derailment. No matter how good or bad they look. she's killin' that KFC but on topic I don't chat at all. Talked to fatal on live, and random IRC. I don't even have an IM client installed.
  17. lol then I must be the straightest dude in town.
  18. good info, who'd of thunk it, emulation discussion here at 1emu
  19. so then it would seem there is no reason for kawaks or mame at all. except for non fba arcade games. (but really who is playing those )
  20. so then the question becomes... why use fba and kawaks? they are both pretty equal aren't they? I dunno I haven't used either in quite some time.
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