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Everything posted by Inky

  1. You have insulted my fiance! I demand satisfaction! Can the PSP emulate the DS? Can the DS emulate the PSP? The Pandora can do both! Beside, it is designed for homebrew software, so you don't need to hack it. Beside, that thing is a beast! It has a flocking 128MB of RAM! It's more than the flocking Wii have!!! And a dual core CPU! This thing is not a handheld console. It's a flocking handheld computer! ok ok, I seriously doubt it will be emulating DS or PSP. and even if it does its still ugly as hell.
  2. check my link in the 360 section on modding the hori. there is a link to instructions to get that stick working perfect.
  3. sometimes I think we are too lenient around here. Jackson has 50+ posts of nothing but the same 2 questions over and over. should have been gone after 25.
  4. damnit.. I missed getting payed to hand out free info... I'll give you a money saving xbox link for 50 bucks.
  5. vision you should post your GT in the xbox360 pinned thread. and welcome aboard.
  6. commandos 3 is "spring 08" last I heard.
  7. I told your dumb ass to go to a dedicated mugen site days ago. no one here can help you with mugen. and if they can they don't want to because you've made an ass of yourself since you signed up. you want download locations for mugen stuff? GOOGLE muthaflocker. stop being so damn helpless. and for god sakes don't make another mugen or Kof thread.
  8. I'll be in. forcing me to buy commandos 3 which i have zero interest in. :\ at least it means we are getting closer to a release.
  9. I think more people round here have seen that then you'd think, I remember having a conversation about it way back when.
  10. same link from the first post? still slow as hell. I don't care about it enough to download for 24 hours at 3.2 kb
  11. damnit I thought you had some new news in here. I've been waiting for this game for like a year.
  12. find a dedicate mugen site. we are an emulation site, the mugen forum is only an afterthought and in my opinion doesn't even belong here. there are only one or two members who know jack crap about mugen to begin with. you'd be better off at a site that is 100% mugen.
  13. looks interesting but the download links I can find are all dead. the official site chugs at 0.5kb per second. Pass
  14. if you would read alittle you would know mugen hasn't been updated in years. it is essentially dead as far as engine updates go.
  15. thats good. you should go into proctology so you can get a license plate that says ASSMAN
  16. Girls?!? Where?!? Sadly I'm used to comments like these...Guess I've to show you I can keep up with the "big guys" like you.... And that's interesting hi cindy, judging from your sig I'd say you are a Nekromantix fan. good stuff!
  17. It's always been my strong belief that the average musician doesn't make much from album sales. now I'm not talking about the latest flavor of the week who goes double platinum in the first week. but everyone else. they get their money from touring their asses off, selling merch and playing show after show.
  18. the mist. the ending was flocked up. and monsters were goofy looking, 6/10
  19. i have i don't knw what it means so please explain even if it is a lot i will be extremilly greatful thanx you may want to go to a dedicated mugen site for that kind of help.
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