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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I really don't play to much live. I'll pass for now then..... one verbatim, SAVED!
  2. read the docs. it's not easy to explain there is a lot involved.
  3. I'll give it a try soon then. I was just worried it was another shadowrun type game with pretty much zero single player.
  4. it is possible. read the docs that come with mugen.
  5. still haven't tried Army of Two yet. I am Leary due to the single player being short, and weak. I am not super big on live heavy games,
  6. it is a licensed Bigsby, branded ibanez. I can't wait to play Big Sky on that beauty. (If I even remember how, lol I haven't played in a few years.)
  7. the guy with the blonde hair looks gay big tym. even more gay than the american guys at high school hahahhahahahahahahahhaha lol! another thing lose the hair! why don't you go back to begging for KOF roms and leave the lounge threads to the big boys. kay?
  8. You probably didn't suck dick as well as she did in the interview. ^^ I have it on good authority that Salorskin scored very high on that portion of the interview nah really Tell the boss you want a raise or you'll walk. but then again 10 cents is what? 16 dollars a month difference? based on a 40 hour week.
  9. The Buddy Holly story one of my favorites was on this afternoon. watched and DVRed for great justice.
  10. I have enough real human baby girls running around here. lol
  11. an Ibanez Artcore afs75t. really wanted a gretsch g5120 but the extra 250 bones just wasn't happening. ordered today. should be here tuesday or wednesday. after the wallet sting wears off I'll drop some TV Jones pickups and dice knobs on it for real rockabilly rumble.
  12. no post-bruce lee martial arts movies can beat Bloodsport. it's like 3. bloodsport 2. any cheesy 70's kung fu theater movie 1. bruce muthaf*ckin' Lee
  13. 6 buttons ftw. even when I play SNK I always set up the buttons like capcom with both punches on top kicks on bottom.
  14. I thought american gangster blew goat balls.
  15. I haven't tried firefox 3 yet, is adblock plus compatible with it?
  16. I like it it makes Jon seem like a lonely psycho.
  17. that goat on your chin wouldn't be so bad if it was centered.
  18. just watched 3:10 to yuma. a nice western, not the best but pretty good.
  19. at least he is not begging for kof maximum impact roms!
  20. on PC: Unreal Tournament III and Crysis. suprisingly ran ok on the new pc I just got. On xbox360: skate and some COD4
  21. nope they gotta be avi mpg or wmv. as far as I know that is all that work. you can throw em on a usb thumb drive. burn em to disc or stream em from wmp11
  22. WTF? jazz guitarist?! SRV had some jazzy tunes (Lenny and his version of Little wing come to mind) but I have never heard of anyone classifying him with jazz. I never really considered Healey a jazz guy either. but regardless a real talent has been lost.
  23. well I hope its something good, I am not crazy about either of the current skins.
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