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Everything posted by Inky

  1. looks like a rebranded smackdown vs. raw.
  2. I tried the dishwasher. pretty bad ass. I tried the crayon knockoff car game too. it was fun as well. so far so good I'd say and I can't wait for the full launch. if only the membership cost for devs wasn't so high (100 a year last a read) more small time guys could get in to it. you can download the xna environment free, but you have to be a member to transfer your games to your xbox.
  3. there is a mugen build for the xbox. running in a super stripped down linux. I haven't tried it in years so I dunno how it turned out.
  4. well you gotta admit its pretty impressive that we hit a satellite going 4 times the speed of sound, first shot. If I were a terrorist or rouge nation, I'd be paying attention right about now.
  5. QFT. Makes me feel like an idiot that I got my 8800GTS now. thats what sucks about graphics cards and PC parts in general. you always feel like a sucker as soon as the next round of stuff comes out.
  6. riiight....... anyways, they have satellites in space that can read your license plate stickers. filming this from the ground is not hard. you could see the asplode! with a cheap telescope from what I understand.
  7. yeah I was specing my new build and seen these cards out at newegg. now I am debating between a 3870 or a 9600gt both right around $180. if anyone sees a direct comparison article post it up here please. edit shiba's first link pretty much shows the 9600gt beats the 3870 by a few frames. it's on the wishlist fo sho.
  8. Will this reduce the life of the dc? no the change is very small. the motor that spins the disc gave up on my dc before the laser did. it was a heavily used launch unit. I cried a little when it died.
  9. I hate dogs with every bone in my body. and they always know it. they either shy away in fear of a boot to the head or get aggressive around me. I dunno why I hate em. maybe I was traumatized as a little kid but I seriously can't stand dogs.
  10. really how much difference is visible between all 3 resolutions? and if todays LCD screens don't interlace what the hell is the difference between 1080i and 1080p? I am in the market for a 30something inch lcd and at this point I am thinking I should just go with a 720p screen. I am going to game on it of course (xbox360) and I have some but not a whole lot of channals available in HD but most of my tv viewing is still in SD.
  11. cable for TV, internet for movies. I had satellite for years and hated it.
  12. I need a thicker one, It's freezing here Looks like a hooded sweater, am I correct? If so, we got a lot of warm sweaters and stuff in our 1Emulation Merchandise Shop. Therefore, you can finally represent the great 1emulation fans across the world by wearing 100% cotton! lol what a salesmen!
  13. SFIII didn't grow on me for a while. I remember playing it in the arcade the first time and was very disappointed. for me I'd say the day I got SFII for snes. I skipped school and got it on release day. I don't even remember how many hours were spent with my friends in my room playing SFII on snes.
  14. holy crap! the old lady at the coffee shop wants to bone me according to this list
  15. EmuParadise invasion was in December of 2002 and your join date is January 2st, 2004. So something doesn't make sense here. I'm surprised you even know about the EmuParadise invasion, unless you read about us mentioning it on 1emu somewhere. I was at emuparadise at that time. I remember those fools doing it. why and when I left there is lost to memory, but obviously I musta hung around there for a while longer and got here a year later. I remember lurking here for quite some time before I posted. but I don't think it was a year lol. maybe 2 months.
  16. all it is is 4 screws bro. you can do it. just barrow a drill to drill out the holes on the gate. I used a dremmel. it took a total of 15 minutes. swapping teh buttons is a pain. I didn't do it. just order the octigonal gate from http://www.lizardlickamusements.com/pages/joysticks.shtml the part you want is Sanwa GT-Y Octagonal Restrictor Plate 5 bucks. if you want a bat top get the Sanwa LB-30-N Joystick Bat Top and a Sanwa joystick adapter. total for the 3 parts shipped is a little over 15 bucks. remove the bottom. remove the old restrictor off the joystick, drill 4 holes in the new plate and re-screw it down. I even read some dude just superglued the thing on no drilling. lol.
  17. Flashed with ixtreme, all discs go through xdvdmulleter checking ss, dmi ect. gold live for last 6 or 8 months I own only one retail game everything else I play on live is a backup. many high profile games before release. ( halo 3 & cod2 a week before release, among others. ) and still no ban. as long as you are stealthed and the disc is ripped and burned properly you are pretty safe. not 100% but I'd say at least 90% safe from the MS Banbus. and if the console does get banned just sell it to somebody and get another. I know for a fact I could sell my 360 for retail price if it was banned. and still be completely upfront with the buyer about the banned console. just throw in a bunch of backups.
  18. since the strike almost nothing but history discovery and various reruns. my dvr is set to record all new episodes of my name is earl, the office, ghost whisperer, big bang theory, 2 1/2 men, mythbusters, scrubs, and a few others.
  19. ebay and amazon always have new copies of SF: Anniversary for 20-30 dollars. I got mine used at the local gamestop for 13 bucks. I played some GH3 last night. I've been trying like hell to get the cheevo for cult of personality. I'm not even close lol.
  20. I dunno why I really stayed, left or came back boredom at work brought me back.
  21. I was looking for a rom, don't remember which one. actually I may have migrated during the emuparadise invasion. I was a member there at the time. it was a long ass time ago I don't really remember.
  22. there is supposed to be 4 player multi over live and a level editor. I dunno if you can trade levels. that would be cool I guess. I was really hoping for 400 ms points though.
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