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Everything posted by Inky

  1. what happened? RRoD? its an easy fix if you don't wanna send it in.
  2. that would be nice if the memor32 was available for under 60 bucks. might as well install a modchip for that price.
  3. that game is bottom 10 list fo sho.
  4. My worries are about them coming out on the 360. If they don't, fat chance of me playing them any time soon. SF4 is almost a given on the Xbox, but whether we see VF5R, KOFXII are less certain. Tekken 6 and BlazBlue are almost certainly not coming out on the 360, at least not this year. Only one I am worried about is Tekken, (tekken sucks anyways:P) the others will in my opinion come to the 360 at or near the same time as PS3 just for the simple reason that they need as many sales as possible and that just isn't happening on ps3 .
  5. I've tried WoW a few times. once on an official server and on a few private servers. and I just don't get how people can get so wrapped up in it. How some people can loose their families and in some cases their lives over WoW is totally beyond my comprehension.
  6. who cares. the game is a real dog anyways.
  7. I'm just happy this seems to be the year of the fighting game. returning to the mid to late 90's of having alot of choices when it comes to fighters. hopefully the FPS is on its way out for a while and we can get back to arcade style games for a while. with all the fighters coming soon and games like The Club, that seems to be the case.
  8. tru dat. Bam ruins everything.
  9. What are you talking about Ian? You really need to take pop culture classes man. HIM isn't really a band most people know about in the US. ^^ Except insecure fat chicks. and dudes with heartagram tattoos
  10. I watched em all earlier tonight. prolly heavy traffic right now?
  11. never been a fan of KI. and the only cps3 game worth the hassle is sfIII3s which I have on disc playable on live. I'm mostly interested in nes, snes and genesis at this point. so I'll upgrade those. and my XBMC hopefully today. gotta re-setup ftp and xbins..... not looking forward to it. I'm prolly just gonna set up the duke in the kids rooms so they don't harrass me to play the 360. I also came across a ps2 slim. I still have swapmagic discs for ps2 somewhere.
  12. as much as I agree. from a time and work standpoint it just takes so much to hand draw all those frames. in todays world we want HD and 60fps or we cry foul. thats a whole hell of a lot of work to generate all those sprites. with 3d they just build the model and done. programming and animating doesn't require redrawing the entire character multiple times.
  13. whatthaeviltriplepost!!!11 I know I have snes, nes, Genesis, and fba on there. and they are all well over 1 and a half years old.
  14. I just got my OG xbox back up and running yesterday morning. I'm prolly almost 2 years behind on XBMC releases. I wonder if it it worth it to go through and update my XBMC and various Emulators. or just leave well enough alone. I can hardly remember how to get all that stuff up. anyways opinions?
  15. As long as it's not a short game I'll be happy if the multiplayer is good and all. then a shorter singleplayer game doesn't bother me too much.
  16. army of two looks pretty kick ass. hopefully it lives up, unlike kane and lynch.
  17. doubtful, but it would be nice. we are already at least one version back from the arcade now. I would pay 15 to 20 bucks for an upgrade over live though.
  18. hahah reminds me of the song "sue jack danials - Reverend horton heat.
  19. Cocaine Blues - Hank Williams III
  20. never really dug KoF much. but this looks freaking amazing. now if it weren't for all those trannys, emo kids and girly men...
  21. I mentioned and linked to a tut in one of fatal rose's threads a few days ago about this. Tutorial HERE I did the octagon gate and bat top mod to the vf5 stick today. and oh man what a difference. it feels great now. More like what I remember on the street fighter cabs I played on as a kid. still a little "sloppy" but much better as far as DP and fireball motions go. 10 bucks worth of parts and the stick feels completely different. I'm still planning on building a custom stick down the road but in the mean time the ex2 will fill the bill nicely. as a side note: these sticks work in windows too. Instructions HERE works great in Mame. so for a little over 60 bucks you can have a nice stick that pulls double duty on 360 and windows.
  22. a jack of all trades is a good person to know. its cool you do what you want and aren't working for the man some day I'll figure out a.) what I wanna do. b.) that can make decent monies c.) so I can tell the man to go to hell.
  23. looks good to me. I didn't really see any of the new gameplay mechanics in any of those vids but the straight up brawling looks like fun. new characters are the suck.
  24. meh the old "2 gamecubes duct taped together" is funnier.
  25. keep waiting. I am about halfway through and totally uninterested. I feel like it will suffer the same fate as assassins creed. and end up in the trash before I finish it. Just played Dark Messiah: Might and Magic Elements. so far it is ok. nothing special. some people compare it to Oblivion but that isn't right. its not an RPG. It is more like Condemned. First person Melee. So far the only game since after the Christmas releases that can really hold my attention is The Club. just a mindless little arcade shooter. its like a light gun game on rails except there are no rails and no light gun. perhaps a modern reinvisioning of the light gun game. I dunno... its fun though.
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