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Everything posted by Inky

  1. the controls are something you really have to invest time in to master. but it makes it all the sweeter when you land a hard trick down a big stair set. it takes some actual skill unlike THPS button comboing.
  2. nice! I dunno if I am crazy about the two sides thing. would have to sit out in the middle of the room...
  3. played Turok for about an hour. as someone who has never played a turok game before (nope never played the n64 version,) it was OK. some different elements for a FPS i guess. some graphical issues though. the opening cut scenes sorta flicker. and some stuttering is present during gameplay. stabbing the hell out of dinos is fun though. I'm gonna play some live tomarrow.
  4. put out the original sound track as an additional free download. problem solved. (nurato did the same thing for jap voice overs to save space on the dvd. so it is doable) now release the damn thing. its actually good news they are starting to worry about file size. they must be getting close to release.
  5. skate is one of the greatest games of all time. period.
  6. last night I watched. unrest (indie b-horror. it was good for wehat it is) we own the night. (good stuff right there) the invisible (it was interesting) I started to watch Sweeny Todd but I couldn't watch much. way more singing then I was expecting.
  7. meh I've been on live with a modded box for almost a year. only one person on my friends list has been banned for modding. I think the bans are far less common then we'd been led to believe.
  8. GH3 boss battles are lame as hell. and are the deal breaker for me. I have all 3, RB GH2 and GH3. I play the hell out of GH2 the others sit and collect dust.
  9. if I had to choose I'd go with turok. DMC just seemed not so good. but my real advise is get that 360 modded use your money for some verbatum dvd+r dl and if you need one a dvd dl burner. then it won't be an issue
  10. hmm. looking over and changing some components I can get a rig with a 3850 for around 650 at current prices. I still have time to mull over things.
  11. Hmm what about a 8600 gts 256mb then maybe SLI that later down the road? I can get one of those for just shy of 150. I'm not big on ATI. I guess talking graphics cards and prices is kinda dumb for a purchase a month or 2 out. prices can change so rapidly.
  12. no more then 150 bucks. I can get the 2 8500s for around 100 bucks. the entire rig I am pricing out now comes in under 650 bucks. and remember I am not looking to play crisis on high. I have my 360 for high end gaming. this rig would be more for emulation and some games the kids and wife want to play. sims 2 that kinda stuff.
  13. I am planning on maybe building a new desktop in February or March. not a super high end rig but decent. I was mainly wondering about SLI? anyone have any experiance with it? would I get decent performance from say 2 geforce 8400 512mb cards running in SLI?
  14. I got it and haven't even played it. heheh. the demo didn't do anything for me when it originally released. when Carnassessesessese or whatever was free I grabbed it and didn't play it for months I guess.
  15. still burnout paradise but I think I've had about enough. no race restarts is becoming a dealbreaker for me. I played the DMC4 demo........ meh. Just like I though.
  16. yep all non-pic posters comments should be purged.
  17. the last sentence is in regard to my actual vs potential gamerscore. If I got every achievement in every game I've played on the 360 my score would be around 65000 points.
  18. no I use google signed in to the personalized igoogle.
  19. are you an achievement junkie? or could you care less? me I am somewhere in the middle. I will make an attempt to get as many achievements as I can in a game but I will not break my back to get em if they are super hard. or the game becomes un-fun. I'm up to 16690 right now but my potential is like 65,000 of something like that. edited for grievous spelling error in title
  20. mine is my iGoogle page. my mail and weather, and a few rss feeds are on there.
  21. I surf a few sites constantly. here, joystiq, xbox-scene, tmz, and the like. when nothing is going on I am usually looking up stuff, or randomly reading wikipedia, urban dictionary, amazon, ebay, and craigslist. I check vcdQuality.com once or twice a day. penny-arcade, pvponline, and homestarrunner. browse a few torrent sites and newsbins. I am rarely on myspace or youtube or things like that.
  22. crank was ok.. I dunno newer Statham flicks just can't live up to the transporter 1 and 2
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