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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I love how we must respect the license of authors (emus) but not publishers (roms) internet ethics and morality FTW.......
  2. because its fun
  3. will it have trannies like GG?
  4. good to hear! I hope you can get back online soon though. this place has been pretty dead with out your postings. but it is great you guys have some better opportunities looking ahead. damn 1300 for rent deposit and electric turned on?!?! thats my monthly rent out here. lol. I really need to get out of california. when I talk to peeps outside the state it really makes me realise how expensive it is here.
  5. another slow night of postings. to top it off I don't feel very good. I tried to call off tonight but my boss wasn't havin' it. thats the double edged sword of being homies with the boss. just as you can guilt them into favors they can guilt you into working.........
  6. to those of us who have seen a million pics of fatal it's old hat. he's lost his attractiveness luster
  7. judging from those pics it would seem soo......
  8. got Sweeny Todd and we own the night ready to go but I haven't watched them yet. hopefully this weekend.
  9. to bad it won't have any interesting stories to relate. ZING!
  10. congrats to the winners. nice sigs too. thanks to the staff for all the work involved!
  11. I'll get it once the NTSC-U version hits.
  12. I've been looking into these unofficial kai clients. like p2pkaillera and supraclient. I wonder if they are any better then plain old kai.....
  13. thats a major pile of crap.
  14. is burnout paradise any good inky? once you get used to the changes its pretty good. but it does take some getting used to the free roam with no quick way to restart a race. say you are on a long race across town, if you loose and want to try again you have to drive all the way back across town to the start point. I miss the original crash mode. the replacement called showtime isn't that good IMO. basically you can set it off anytime and your car just starts bouncing down the street giving you points and boost for cars you hit. you have some control over the bounce. but I liked racing to an intersection full speed t-boning a bus better. I really haven't messed with online yet. but knowing EA I'll bet the servers are crap for the first week.
  15. I'm the exact opposite. I can't stand things in my system tray.
  16. tie my pecker to my leg - Mojo Nixon.
  17. nothing jawdropping like last years Rage against the Machine reunion. My company did security last year, Free entrance FTW! I think we are getting the contract again this year so I'll prolly go again.
  18. I guess I was just really expecting alot from those guys since I had never really seen much Pride only heard about it. then to see cro cop Hua and silva get pooned I was like WTF?
  19. just go to the arcade downloads and grab it.
  20. Anderson wasn't hyped though. I am talking about the cro cops, the wanderlai silva's the shogun hua's there have been a few others recently I can't think of right now. I mean from what I had seen of the axe murder I was expecting a brutal exciting fight. instead dude just stood there and got punched.
  21. once again PS3 gets pooned by the 360.
  22. and with that monster PC you get to climb the same building over and over. it takes alot of PC horsepower to sit on benches and eavesdrop.
  23. forget Lesner, heres the real question. why can't guys from pride win in the UFC. with the exception of rampage I haven't seen one recently hyped pride guy do anything but get punched in the face repeatedly.
  24. I played the first one but never really gave it much effort. we'll see if this one can grab me.
  25. if you haven't heard, MS is giving Undertow away for free to all gold and silver members as an apology for the recent live outages. it's only free for a few days though. MS has also stated that if you have already purchased undertow to contact MS and they will give you something else. (prolly the points you spent recredited)
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