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Everything posted by Inky

  1. beutiful katamari - sucks. I got it for my kids. nurato rise of the ninja - pretty much sucks, just got it cuz i needed something new. Burnout Paradise - better then I thought from the demo. I miss crash mode though. that was the whole draw of burnout for me. the replacement "showtime" is pretty gay. It's also hella annoying to be at the end of a race, lose at the last second and have to drive all the way across the damn map just to retry the race.
  2. well as a pro wrestler big is way more important then agility/quickness and flexibility. in MMA flexibility and agility are way more important then just being big. he prolly cut weight / got off the roids. to gain some quickness cardio ect.
  3. he was a drug addict. flock him. and I'll say the same thign when Amy Winehouse ODs on crack and Brittney ODs on cheetos and starbucks.
  4. I think Frank is past his prime. brock will handle him I'm sure. wow tap out due to strikes with his head buried in Brock's chest! either that dude is a total wuss or brock can hit really hard even in that semi protected position. Hopefully Brock can bring some excitement to the boring UFC heavyweight devision.
  5. it looks like you got socked in the eye. bringing a whole new meaning to "I'd hit it"
  6. bladerunner final cut. It's been so long since I seen the original I didn't notice much difference. still a great movie all these years later.
  7. awesomeness squared! that actually looks: A: good for a flash game B: fun for a flash game.
  8. druggies die. thats the way it is......... but how much of the dark knight is in the can? I was looking forward to that.
  9. shaky camera work on purpose means I won't notice the shaky CAM work on accident.
  10. yep I know my pc won't play stuff very well so why should I pay retail for a painful experience. and if I dump the money in to have a pc worth playing the latest stuff on there is no more cash left to buy the games anyways. it's a catch22.
  11. I agree Piracy is killing PC gaming. its just so darn easy. even my 60 year old mom can download a pc game and install it with the included key and cracks. but I don't think piracy is really hurting console gaming because of the difficulty of modding most systems.
  12. I don't see why anyone would want to live to 100. those years are spent in a diaper looking for your keys. 60ish is good enough for me. 70ish if a am still sharp mentally and can hold my poop without a diaper. haven't you ever heard the phrase " live fast, die young and leave a pretty corpse"?
  13. Do you want to live a long life? Sounds like you're killing yourself with all that crap in your system. ok dad..........
  14. pro comes with a harddrive. arcade comes with a memory unit. the arcade is about 70 bucks cheaper. I would go for the pro though. it's not the same experiance without a Harddrive.
  15. update: beautiful Katamari Nurato. I didn't really want either one but the itch for new games was to great. and I had to try my new giganews subscription.
  16. if by "mountain spring" you mean a warehouse garden hose in jersey then yeah. I used to live in a place where the tap tasted like ass. and we got water trucked in by a service. it was supposed to be artisan well water. well guess what I saw one day? the service truck parked by a fire hydrant filling up the tank. many people in the community were paying 25 cents a gallon for water from a fire hydrant.
  17. yeah I couldn't think of the correct way to describe what the towel trick does. I wouldn't recommend it either, unless you were planning on returning the box to MS and just wanted to get through until a coffin arrives. I did the penny fix over 6 months ago and have had zero problems since.
  18. quite the realistic suggestion good advise isn't always realistic. but seriously why are you even messing with rapidshare? there are so many other non restrictive ways of getting files.
  19. No, people have known what causes the RRoD for quite some time. Heat. which causes the MoBo to sag, which causes solders to fail. thats why x-clamp and penny mods fix RRoD. they support the MoBo and don't allow it to flex/sag. the towel trick works by overheating the box causing the solders to partially "resolder" themselves. all that is needed by MS to fix the RRoD is MoBo posts in the center area of the box. but noooo they go with new chips and heatsinks ignoring the same problem over and over again.
  20. Under the avatars, it says From: Atlanta, GA what? Asians can't live in Atlanta? here in this great country you can find every race in just about every city. get a clue.
  21. meh water is water. I drink it from the tap and well it tastes like...... water. bottled water is one of the biggest scams ever conceived.
  22. sooooo... anyone see it? worth the ticket price? / download time?
  23. some of those bags are womens but not all. this bag http://howcool.com/catalog/product_info.ph...ve53vfq7o7ksbb7 would be great covered in patches, and pins.
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