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Everything posted by Inky

  1. It may not be well known that you can have gamertags for other regions. this is useful for grabbing region specific content like demos. for instance the Club demo is not available in japan or the US and sometimes Japan will get a demo that is not available anywhere else. and the US often gets demos when eu and Japan are left in the cold. so here is what I did: go to live.com and create a new email address for the country you want a gamertag for. you will need a valid postal code at this time. I just chose a known location within the country I wanted, in this case I used a university in london england. google searched it to get the postal code. once your email address is set up go to your xbox and create a new gamertag. I named mine UKInky and JapanINKY to remember which was for which region. select to connect to live and now you will need to put in the info on the email addy you just set up. you will also need a properly formatted phone number at this time. I just used the phone number for the university I chose in the step above. you will also need a street address but I think anything will do. I just made something up. there you go you should now be able to access other regions live content. demos are shared across the console so you can play them from within your main gamertag. it's pretty handy to have a US, EU, and JP gamertag ready when one region gets content
  2. reseting your ip will get you by the timer. or paying for a subscription...... I think I have seen some software that will que up your downloads and reset your ip address to automate the process but I don't know what it was or if it was safe. I just avoid rapidshare, megaupload alltogether. I go with newsgroups 1st, torrents 2nd.
  3. yeah I am on a laptop with no connections other then usb and firewire. If I could get my hands on one of those pc saturn pads that would be great. a search of ebay returned no joy.... those SF pads are pretty cheap on ebay and psx to usb adapters are cheap so I may just give that a try.
  4. I was just thinking how much I love saturn pads. but official mkII pads are getting hard to find. and the converter is a good chunk of change too. a megadrive 6 button pad is basically the same thing minus the shoulder buttons... I don't remember if the pinout was the same. anyone know of any usb converter that works with megadrive/genesis pads? as a second thought anyone ever try one of these Ps2 pads I remember wanting to get one but never did....
  5. up to build 27 now and supporting vampire savior and KOF98. I need to check it out again soon.
  6. damn, I knew I couldn't remember one show, but you reminded me of the Blackadder series; truly classic yeah blackadder was funny, hmm some other english show I can't think of the name right now. about a dude in space with a cat that was played my some little richard lookalike lol ohh yeah red dwarf.
  7. with the original remake coming to the live arcade I really cant see the full 3d retail selling all that well.
  8. good advise if you wanna keep her around. turn the tables and see how she likes being in second place. but the least hassle would be to dump her.
  9. about $3.25 a gallon in my area of so california
  10. I was surfin around looking for a hat and came across this: http://howcool.com/catalog/index.php?cPath...t=4a&page=1 there are some smaller ones there. buncha other cool sh*t there too.
  11. I'm still not banned so I dunno. the last round of live bans seemed awful random. I don't think they are detecting firmware. but poorly copied games.
  12. I use ctrl-a (select all) ctrl-c (copy) ctrll-v(paste) like 100 times a day. those and ctrl-p (print) are the only keyboard shortcuts I use. wow I really like that f11 tip.
  13. more then ever! I love competitive games that are not related to skill...... meh, I have never understood the fascination with smash bro's
  14. hahahah. I've never had anything like that happen to me. like 7 years ago I was out partyin' with friends. last call came and it was time to go. I was hella drunk and not feeling to hot. remember I am from the desert. we were in redlands. so we are in by buds truck going home like 90mph on the freeway and he has the window down, its freezing. I am feeling dizzy. he has the radio up hella loud and he is screaming something at me, I dunno. I yell "pull over!" and he cuts 4 lanes of traffic way to fast. and I can't hold it anymore. so I stick my head out the window and puke into 90pmh winds. blowing the vomit back on me and all over the inside of homeboys truck. I mean all over the inside. the wind from the open window had blown vomit all over the read window, headliner ect. 2 days later I am pulling into work and a truck I don't recognize pulls into the space next to me. it's my buddy. I was like wow you got a new truck huh? he said he had to trade the other one in cuz he couldn't get the smell out of it.
  15. that first dark haired chick. Mmmmmm. I am a sucker for black hair and bangs and Jenna haze is a nerd! anal and PSP in the same night!
  16. http://pc.ign.com/articles/845/845823p1.html if nothing else you have to checks out the screenies....... so strange.
  17. call the carrier and cancel. send the stuff back. Done. simple. or keep it all don't pay the bill and have ruined credit for life. (like me:D)
  18. how is SOF? I heard it sucked. but I am in need of something to play untill the releases pick back up in feb.
  19. its because your never around in the middle of the night anymore. and where has Bal been, I'm lonely here all night.
  20. seems like you were the one who wasn't aware of the intention of the thread or the underlying discussion. it must suck to despise yourself...... glad you changed your opinion. but damn doesn't it suck when your words come back to bite you in the ass.
  21. just like the beta vhs war. wherever porn goes the public follows. neither format has truly won until you can buy greasy porn in HD
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