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Everything posted by Inky

  1. dunno I've been so busy I barely get any time for 360. and I really wanna finish cod4 sp.
  2. I do always get a good chuckle when reading the Legal section of a faq.
  3. You're missing the point of warehousing as well. ..... I dunno, I view a warehouse like a roms site or a skins and maps site for a FPS. should I have to go to every individual dumpers site to get a rom. perhaps the warehouses aren't doing all they can. to insure proper credit. that sounds like a mugen community problem. I dunno like I said I don't follow mugen. I can tell you there is a UT skin I created over 7 years ago under an old screen name posted on skincity. Do I care... no. did I give permission.. no. am I kinda flattered that anyone had it in the first place to submit to skincity.. yeah sure. What dues? there is no money or fame in mugen. the creators dues are right there in the readme contained in the zip. hell they could code it into the character file if they are really that hard up for credit. my point is the creator is putting something on the internet and then they get mad its on the internet. how ridiculous is that? first rule of the internet is when you put something on the internet, expect it to spread out of your control. if you don't want it out there then don't release it. simple as that.
  4. it's different for each proggie. I'd just let those files finish on your current client.
  5. I missread. I thought you said he did not deserve what he got. we agree then
  6. you obviously don't have any sisters, nieces, daughters. or know anyone who has survived sexual abuse. the step son got off easy. whatever Bal is thinking of I'm thinking 10x worse.
  7. I had problems with utorrent. I stopped using Azurius when it was banned from private servers a few years ago. I am currently not a member of any private servers (send me invites )so I just use bitlord. it works OK.
  8. well lets put it in music terms.. lets say when the beatles broke up they treated those albums like mugen characters. they'd be gone forever. and there is no way in hell the artists that created that music would want that. as an artist my self I understand wanting control and credit. but to horde a creation goes against the artistic spirit. something an art teacher told me along time ago is "it only belongs to you until you've created it" meaning once the piece of art is done it really belongs to the world. kind of a hippy statement I know, but I believe it's true. now I could care less if these characters get released or not. I don't mess with mugen. I'm just commenting on the underlying tone of the thread. if your art (and I am unconvinced ripping sprites and coding them for mugen is art.) is paying the bills you have more room to biatch. as a side comment about capcom and snk saying mugen is fan art. hahah. I have a hard time believing that. every ripped sprite came from an illegal rom. somehow these illegal roms images are transformed into fan art with a sprite ripper and a txt file. O...K....
  9. the dash update do not affect the dvd firmware. its safe to update. (as of now. they could change that in the future. but I seem to remember reading somewhere that MS through live can not actually access the dvd firmware to make any changes.) make sure you add your gamertag to the pinned topic
  10. hey somboddy, you should see if your phone can get opera mini. just go to operamini.com from your phone. if you can get that browser then I think you will love it. its got a zoom feature much like the iphone so you can browse full size pages, and a pretty smart small format option to turn any page to fit your horizontal res.
  11. http://www.asylum.com/2008/01/10/messenger...-or-the-office/ the guide to man purses.
  12. I read that the first monster posted is NOT the cloverfield monster. supposedly confirmed by the director. there has been some speculation that this is a godzilla movie. god I hope not. there is a slo-mo vid of the latest commercial on youtube where you get a small glimpse of the monster. and what you can see looks more like the whale-crab.
  13. I'll prolly see it once it hits teh bay.
  14. the links there say non-umod but still link to umods.........
  15. I was nude as well, but I cropped the pic thats not all that got cropped *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*
  16. cody56 is like the 1emu grave robber... diggin' up old ass threads.
  17. I CAN SEE VIOLENCE! and his gay ass buddy "kyokugen kiss" or whatever it was. heheh. there's Agozer's pimp sailor hat!
  18. thats why we need "prince and the new power revolution vs morris day and the time" preferably a 2d fighter developed by capcom. like MvC, but with jerry curls.
  19. I didn't mind the shortness since its just a slice of the jam packed goodness that is Orange Box. if I payed $40 - $60 bucks for portal alone I woulda been pissed.
  20. I gotta agree. there are way better laptops in the same price range as that. check places like tigerdirect, newegg, walmart, costco, ect.
  21. that sucks. we'll miss ya. make sure to check in whenever you can. and when you get on live let us know so we can beat you up in VF5
  22. I'm on one now thats only one patch back. and pretty stable but there just aren't a whole lot of peeps on most I've seen is around 1200. and most are of course lvl 70 so they are concentrated in the high level areas.
  23. heheh. I was like Prince! hell yeah lets get thriller era Micheal Jackson. hahah. an 80s R&B fighter like defjam but cool. it could have Sheila E, Stevie B, New Edition. Morris Day would have to be the Boss!
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