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Everything posted by Inky

  1. can we discuss em here? If so I am trying to find a well populated one.
  2. Works fine for me. Just make sure you have all the map packs, that your rip is patched to v436, and if you don't have the setup files get the non UMOD Bonus Pack 4 and put the files in their places. Then you should be good to go. I still haven't found a non umod BP4. so if anyone has a link post it up. I was doing fine without it though. just the rip goty which is already 436.
  3. you mean the hacker sim from way back? that game rocked
  4. That is such bullsh!t. The 360 should get Vader 'coz I own a 360 and want Vader. Plus Yoda sucks bawlls. agreed if I don't get Vader on the 360 I'm not buying it. but as for the news in general I dunno SC has never been the same since the DC title IMO. I don't like these weird out of place characters in my fighting games. (I'm lookin' at you DOA with Halo Spartin, and SC with Spawn) and seeing that Vader model just makes me think why not just a SW only fighting game. that I'd play.
  5. I got pwned like crazy. I had to go lick my wounds in the arms of a private wow server.
  6. "When it's done" s-kill I'm just kinda pissed we have all these clips of sf4 which wont be out for at least a year. and all we have of sfIIhd is one crappy cellphone cam video.
  7. hmm yesterday when I jumped on to test it connected fine. today it just sits on the connecting screen. I deleted the de.int and de.u files mentioned so i dunno.
  8. I'm ready for some real news on SFIIHD now.
  9. break out the sewing machine and make one to fit your size.
  10. how about a fanny pack heheh I don't know look around ebay. or in local skate shops.
  11. I dun really mess with mugen anymore but I know how hard it can be to find what you are looking for. authors drop out of site and then all the sudden no one is supposed to use thier stuff unless they know someone who has it. it's ridiculous. once it is out there. it should be out there for everyone. thats kind of the point of emulation and mugen I think. so yeah I vote yes.
  12. patcher doesn't seem to work under vista nm, set the patcher and the config program to win 98 compatibility. now to get my stick working with it.....
  13. I'm sorta set up. I can't install umods for some reason. so hopefully they will all install within game.
  14. have you tried formating and reinstalling vista? I would just install XP. then run vista in a virtual machine for what you need it for.
  15. I'm so glad school is starting back up. get my kids out from under my feet for a few hours a day!
  16. banana hammack. no really, boxers or boxer briefs depending on how I feel / whats clean. I haven't worn briefs or "tighty-whities" / "dun-da-duns" since I was about 12.
  17. I didn't know there was a pc version. cool I'll look into it.
  18. It's more that the cover spots don't really provide great cover against their Torque Bows- once you're past the first side of the station, no matter where you hide, they can get a shot stuck to you from some weird angle and its a 1-hit KO. Also the checkpoint is wayy back... you have to walk and listen to the same conversations again and again, which doesn't help your concentration for the next attempt. yep thats where I quit Gears and never returned........ about the 8th time I took that long walk I was like flock this. I feel the same way. if I go more then an hour or so not having any fun then the game goes bye-bye. I haven't really played anything all week. just some Skate here and there.
  19. reading that stuff made my brain hurt. nothing like unstable 14 year olds to really ruin a good day. that tool got what he deserved.
  20. I thought you already did! I've been putting it off. I have to "find" my copy
  21. nice! someday when I get out of apartment living I'm gonna build a mame cab.
  22. I really need to get this game reinstalled now.
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