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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I was pwnin' fools with Barak earlier tonight.
  2. the funny thing is he has all that kick ass stuff on there, Scorpion, Alucard, Samus, KotOR, Quake. and then theres is WTF?!?! Sam Fisher. lol.
  3. Good for him. he and Gerstmann should start a new site devoted to honest reviews. at least we know we can trust their reviews.
  4. Never really liked KoF. but 99 and 2001 were the most enjoyable to me.
  5. yeah no country really reminds me of a good western. My favorite movie so far of 07 fo sho.
  6. new vids. I haven't watched em yet. no sound at work.... first one is about the choice to go 3d http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/16820 second one is more info on the saving system. http://blog.capcom.com/archives/743
  7. crap, I won't be able to make it..... maybe next time.
  8. http://community.livejournal.com/gamingtattoos/151356.html that dude is pretty hardcore about games. I dun have any games related tattoos myself. but I did do a small Cactar and Megaman on a guy many years ago.
  9. I have guild wars and factions. currently uninstalled. what I love about GW is after it is bought. you can reDownload it whenever.
  10. yeah I am growing it back. I shaved my head over the summer on a lost bet. but for years prior it's always been a greasy pomp. think young cash. by this spring it should be back where it needs to be.
  11. am I the only one that thought the movie was mildly funny at best and that it's way overrated? I thought that movie was incredibly stupid.. and I usually like that kind of thing. Grandma's boy is pure genius! I liked Nepoleon Dynamite too though. Just watched that today aswell. I really liked it. my wife said it didn't make any sense. I really liked the dialog it sorta reminded me of Unforgiven is a weird way. I also watched National Treasure 2. it was OK.
  12. Karate kid was on TV the other day. that was the last movie I watched.... I still have No country for old men 3:10 to yuma and National Treasure 2 sitting around waiting to be watched.
  13. I dun think my chin is really that big...... maybe the angle and lighting the cigarette make it look huge.
  14. my eyes popped out and ran away when I opened that PM. I had to chase em all over the house.
  15. everything seems fine now. all last week I was unable to find a game, the dash didn't wanna load. just an overall bad experiance.
  16. you can't keep me away from a quarter pounder with cheese. I love them more then I love my wife
  17. so wtf is this,what sites are you visitng these days fatal? That's a picture I took a few months ago. aww man I missed it..
  18. I'm surprised you guys can even get a game. live is still being a little biatch for me.
  19. I'm not sure if that si supposed to be the boss from MKII or a bondage darth vader.
  20. come on Ryan your using old ones. this is a new thread for new bad cosplay!
  21. I'm imagining bad things going on behind that black bar. anyone ever hear the term "meat curtains" before?
  22. thats man faye! tranny cowboybebop cosplay FTW! I chose that pic cuz it has a hot chick dressed well and the pure evil that is man faye. it's the best of both worlds!
  23. why anyone would wanna play sega cd games anyways is beyond me.
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