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Everything posted by Inky

  1. moving out of the hick town I was in (POP-300 seriously) was the highlight of the year for me. maybe next years highlight will be moving out of california.
  2. OK watched it...... I'm not sure if I am stoked or bummed...
  3. site must be getting hammered . the streaming is unwatchable at this point for me. I'ma try downloading it.... edit in: DL never loads..... Street fighter broke teh intarnets. flock it I'll grab it tonight at work.
  4. I wasn't aware anyone actually booted the single player portion..... but really my TYME sucked. I only got to the "protect the tank" mission before I forgot about the SP game altogether. I really need to get back into it. I hear the a-10 mission is bad ass.
  5. rofl. that orange bleach job...... it looks so natural! hahah. your girl is cute though. good job!
  6. I imagine Gryph to weigh about 120 pounds dressed in a wet talking heads oversize suit. I dunno why...
  7. that would own hard. 60's era tv batman is full of fond mammaries for me. its TYME to show some respect to Cesar Romero (hotlink bandito strikes again!)
  8. why would you want to. evox is nowhere near as flexible as XBMC.
  9. maybe I'll have to reinstall UT. when I deleted it my UT folder was swelling up near 9 gigs of crappy maps and stuff. lol. I never was vary good tho.
  10. SPOILERS!!!! the cg looked crappy. they could have explained more. like was it the zombie who set the trap for smith, or has smith just gone crazy and didn't remember setting it. what was the stuff and what was the purpose of the crap he was squirting on his doorstep the first time he went home. ect. ect. ect. I mean will smith did a good job. he was able to make the movie interesting when it was basically just him on the screen 90% of the time. I believed him when he was cracking up in the video store. and when the dog died. I feel like the story was only half told. and like I said. its basically just 28 days later with cgi and less actors.
  11. imagine how many it would be if spam forum counted.
  12. I got my son a nokia n800. that thing is pretty f'in cool. got my wife a new digital camera. my girls are still little so they got mostly toys. I got some comfy flannel pajama pants and a johnny cash t-shirt.
  13. OK I seen it....... I feel like I should have just rewatched 28 days later. since thay are basicly the same movie, only difference is 28 days later is actually good.
  14. send it to EM for a good licking.
  15. Enjoy. You can thank me by fellating me later ;p hahaha. some of those are hella funny.
  16. I didn't even realize solidus wasn't a mod anymore........ welcome pack to the power tier.
  17. Sorry I forgot. No I am not buzzed at all. It's starting to get rather hard for me to get buzzed, think I need to stop drinking altogether for a while. I did that and just never started again.
  18. lol my buddy has one of those. he got it as a gag gift a few years ago. he gave his girlfriend a huge hicky with it.
  19. I already told you! when you are at the perfect buzz before you are sh*t faced drunk.
  20. well I got a beanie that is to small for my melon head today. so I guess that counts.
  21. ugh I hate moving. I've had to do way more then my fair share in my life. and I always dread it.
  22. eh I forgot to welcome our new member. so welcome new member!
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