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Everything posted by Inky

  1. we need a kai server again. I remember back in the day we had some cool little tournys.
  2. when I see chicks like that all I can think about are trannies. /shivers
  3. I'm 17th! and I haven't been around for a long time.
  4. HEY WHO DO YOU CALL MORON, YOU BROOM HAIR okay if u told me to say LAIR, i cant say it i only can write it not say it (use your brain broom hair) OKAY SO I TYPE "LAIR" but i'm not i'm not a lair. and you said my friend was an ASS HOLE, i'v already told him and he said thats okay better than see your broomy hair (he already checked this forum by him self) okay thats it anything ELSE BROOMY HAIR AHHHHH! blast from the past! it's a good thing his friend finally released that cps3 emu. anyways I haven't had any emulators or roms on my system for well over a year. but I just installed mame++ and SFIII3s and set up my hori ex2.
  5. like I said I'm pretty old fashioned so bud light miller light corona pacifico sol. I don't really get into the high end stuff. but in truth I haven't had a drink in about 6 months. I'm not on the wagon or anything I just haven't felt like drinkin'
  6. haven't seen it. but the writers strike is really starting to piss me off. I was really diggin' big bang theory. there are only a handful of series that I watch every week and they are all in reruns cuz of that sh*t.
  7. after the new year sounds better for me too. I still haven't gotten around to getting set up. there isn't one emulator or rom on my system for more then a year. thats sad isn't it....
  8. if it isn't beer, then rum and coke, gin and tonic or scotch and water. I'm old fashioned.
  9. no one has mentioned Shenmue 1 & 2. the sailors will be lonely if you don't find them.....
  10. and they are built well too. I thoroughly abused my launch unit for over 6 years. it finally gave up on me. but not totally, 60% of the time, it works every time.
  11. buy an old DC off ebay for 50 bucks. it'll run MvC2 like a champ.
  12. well in VF Lau (sp) is getting older. in fact he looks like the crypt keeper now.
  13. US Arcade release is pretty pointless as there aren't many real arcades left sadly. I dun know about Europe but the only place I know of with a strong arcade scene left is Japan. and with the SF love capcom has been showing xbox I'd guess it's a lock SF4 will hit the 360.
  14. EWW I hope not. I can't stand assassins creed. the story and graphics are nice but the gameplay is the same thing for like 12 hours. I've only played 360 games this year so here it goes: 5 HALO3 4 Bioshock 3 COD4 2 Mass Effect 1 SKATE
  15. I seen you get on and I was gonna play wit cha but the ole lady wanted me to vacuum. :\ but hey do you know about the sega balloon trick? I just found out about it this morning. basically if your wins and losses end in the same odd number (lets say 127 -17 or whatever) there is a chance a hot air balloon will fly across the map. if it does and you enter an arcade the next 10 matches will all be item matches. Ive got it to work 3 times so far.
  16. I love reading the comments on popular torrent sites. there are always noobs asking dumb ass questions.
  17. yea its really like that. I have 7 phone lines and 3 different radios going all the time and 2 different logs I have to keep current. the day goes by pretty fast though.
  18. I'm running the dispatch and scheduling for a security company. 500 officers 130something accounts. yeah it can get crazy.
  19. and so it begins! work has already been hectic for an hour. maybe it's slowing down now. words of advise: if you are working in a position where if you call off someone else has to cover. make sure you give some notice before hand. there is nothing worse then trying to find someone to cover a position 15 minutes before it is supposed to start.
  20. its Mecha Batman! sorry for the small pic I couldn't be bothered to find a larger one.
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