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Everything posted by Inky

  1. every job I've ever had until now has been outdoors. so this is a nice change to be indoors with internet access. even if the hours suck.
  2. every weekend...... wed, thu graves, fri, sat swing, sun graves. meh. but its at least an office job. no more outdoors for me for a while.
  3. I'll be here. working. if this sat is like last week I may be to busy to post much..... Friday and Saturdays are hell around here.
  4. *coughing* Hatermmmemmmm... *clears throat* It will be a good game! It was thinking like "graphics are out of date" no one would have played smash bros, and lets face it, Smash bros has little next gen graphics but beats nearly half of the ps2/xobx game roster! what?
  5. exactly. life would be great if there were no guns at all but the fact is they are. and as long as they are I'm gonna be packin'
  6. there aren't any problems with the new update. and on a side note I haven't heard any body claiming to be banned since that one day a week or so ago. I've been online with backups and haven't changed my activities since the bans. the main thing is to be as sure as possible your backups are good. and pass all the xdvdmulleter tests before you ever put the disc in your box.
  7. thats too bad that is a good classic look. I do like this one alot I saw a site a few days ago that had 6 or 7 full body shots and they looked good . also a shot of the new batsuit. unfortunately I can't find that link the batsuit looked a bit over done IMO.
  8. then again, this image has been released as well. so maybe he goes through 2 phases.
  9. thats not the greatest pic I've seen of the new joker. some look great. sometimes Joker is suave and others he is totally unhinged. so it could go either way.
  10. sell it to me! my kids are dieing for a Wii.
  11. I agree. sometime seeing things in motion really changes how the graphics are perceived. but Ken does look like he might have Downs in that pic.
  12. what was with that dude popping out of the trash bin. lol
  13. I can't see Sega going back into hardware. and they don't deserve to make any until its a platform for shenmue III. "where can I find sailors?"
  14. I don't remember really enjoying anything on the 64. but I know there had to be something. mario 64 and waverace come to mind.
  15. being that this game is at least a year out. I'm not to worried. the first shot of ryu looks great. perhaps the ken model is early / unpolished.
  16. I would agree that there should be more required to purchase a gun. firearms training should be a part of getting a gun. my main point is that there are tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of undocumented guns on the streets. taking legit guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizens does nothing but make private citizens defenseless. banning firearms does nothing because then the only guns you can't take are the illegal ones on the streets.
  17. I was a california state correctional officer for 11 years. I thought you knew that.
  18. I don't say "arm everyone" but there are many highly trained law abiding citizens who could be packin' former and current military and law enforcement personel like my self who if given a concealed carry permit (yes I have one) can carry a firearm in public and act if need be. I don't want your pansy ass carrying. that don't do sh*t.
  19. what the f*ck is wrong with rednecks? Americans have the right to bear arms, get over it. it isn't gonna change.
  20. as long as they leave DJ and T.hawk out. they can bring everyone else back from II, Alpha, & III and I'd be stoked.
  21. Urien... really? that dude fights in a banana hammock. o.O
  22. there is a browser plugin for MCE already. check www.anpark.com you have to have media center on your PC though.
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