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Everything posted by Inky

  1. for entertainment its a 4 way tie between the Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge and Christian back in their tag team heyday.. as far as just talent Dean Malenko and Bret Hart
  2. Please, explain. I would like to do that as well. just remove the _DS_MSHL.nds then rename dsorganize.nds to _DS_MSHL.nds and have it in the root of the card.
  3. I gave moonshell the ax and made dsorganize load from the center icon
  4. damn you Trogdor!!! that buckethead song is no cake walk either...
  5. yeah i got a jap kingston from amazon seller bluephoton for 10 bucks. works great so far. i luv my r4 it seems like the r4 packaged with micro sd cards are always overpriced. usually charging 20 to 30 bucks for the micro sd.
  6. puzzle quest for ds. I'm addicted when i close my eyes i see the game board.
  7. adblock plus fasterfox google notebook del.icio.us and an IE 7 skin
  8. is this better then the old chancast? damn makes me wish I'd kept all my old DC isos.
  9. I feel like billy madison when he has to go back to high school. "O'Doyle rules!"
  10. i was born on a busted hymen - demented are go
  11. wii = parties are for drinkin' and messin' with chicks. not playing tennis and flinging a controller through your tv. pass. Xbox360 = best multiplayer and online experience period. too many FPS though. give us some more fighters! shoddy hardware quality. ps3 = meh. 2 games worth a crap and a bank breaking price mean hell no. previous exclusives jumping from the sinking ship is teh lololol
  12. ok retard I was trying to be nice
  13. hey guys I have been out of the emu stuff for like a year so I am a nub again. heheh. but i missed you guys.
  14. hmm, i like the new look. are the OG's still hangin in the hizza?
  15. still no price. WTF is up with that? you have to have a HDD mandatory, but we might not include one with every ps3 bundle?!?!? at least MS made the Hdd optional.
  16. I just don't understand the whole chuck norris internet craze. the dude sucks. sucky actor, sucky movies, sucky style. Bruce Lee was the man. I firmly believe Brandon Lee would have done great things had he not died so young.
  17. xecuter 2.6ce with an xapt3r. before that i had a matrix. I softmodded my sisters xbox and it works just fine. I don't think the chip really matters as long as you use a good bios. (xecuter) you can do every thing you could want. it more a matter of getting the box set up the way you want it nowadays. all the chips have basicly the same functions.
  18. I think there are humor detectors are on sale at radio shack, maybe you should pick one up.
  19. yeah you need to get a bios, what do you mean by loader? like to flash the chip? or to load games.
  20. I've got an older xecuter 2.6ce with a xapt3r and it works fine, never came out of aliagnment. my old matrix came out of alignment every other day it seemed like. if you aren't gonna have the front panal lcd and other 3.0 things I'd just get a 2.6. mine came with a little panal for turning the mod on and off, bank switching and something else I've never used and forgot about. hehehe
  21. if they are gonna try and use a black version of his normal suit for the simbiotic suit thats pretty lame. but I'll still go see it because the spiderman movies have been the best comic related movies right after the crow 1 and blade 1.
  22. half of those are more mid to late 80's and yes I remember pretty much all that stuff.
  23. I seen a nes bad with an Mp3 player in it once. the page was in german or something.
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