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Everything posted by Inky

  1. this is my official one post per day for the day of wednesday 2-8-06
  2. MS has a 4 year head start on live. sony will have to play major catchup to stand a chance.
  3. not bad, after the discount and rebate your at about 30 bucks huh.
  4. that would be cool if I had anything I needed from newegg or the money to get said thing.
  5. Does this mean there will be a Street Fighter 4 or not? What is DNF? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dnf = duke nukum forever. it's been in development since the bible was being written.
  6. the mythbusters tried to recreate this and couldn't get it to work.
  7. who was that guy anyways? his good by post drips with emo
  8. as a PVP fan it is my duty to hate ctrl-alt-del
  9. anything to do with cntl-alt-del is crap. that dude is such an a$$ I boycott his right to breath.
  10. meh, got arcade perfect on fbaxxx already I want sf4 or sfa4 or mvc3 or something else NEW.
  11. got my hands on teh thing, trying to find some characters and stages now. the mugen scene is so flocked up. everything is all over the place. broken links galore. edit: slapped the barebones mugen on and it works pretty good. haven't been able to get any characters or stages going yet.
  12. damnit I forgot I haven't been able to get into xbins for over a year. I never did figure out why. oh well I guess I'll have to wait untill it turns up on a torrent site or something.....
  13. interesting news from http://www.xbox-scene.com I hear it is available at the usual places. (xbins) gonna try it out tomarrow maybe. heres the link to the xbox scene forum thread http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=483379&st=0 maybe someone wants to slap this up as news.
  14. why do you wear makeup too? heheheh WTS lipgloss of bruce +5 to all anal lube saving throws x1 pst
  15. that shirt adds a +10 to all homosexual rolls
  16. I've heard that Nod32 was really good. and that it was catching and preventing teh latest windows picture bug (can't remember teh name) before MS had even announced the bug.
  17. it just runs a tech demo that is included. you can't play anything.
  18. the best way to eat sushi is with mayo, lightly toasted white bread and relish.
  19. I can't remember my old login at EP. I doubt its still good. that was back during "the war" I'm on the good guys side now but anyways, I agree with STUFF, the dude is lame but stressing over his bullshlit is a waste of energy at this point.
  20. why don't you just import from japan? wouldn't the shipping be less since it's closer?
  21. another thing I heard about macs this weekend was that apple is switching to intel pentium chips. and it was speculated that these macs could be dual booted with windows. that would make macs very attractive. macworld in tuesday, I guess all will be reveiled then
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