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Everything posted by Inky

  1. you guys are wasting good steaks burning the hell out of them. medium rare for me. when it comes to ground beef year cook it all the way. but with a steak anything beyond medium rare ruines it IMO.
  2. got me, mod that sucker and throw a 120 gb HDD in there and forget about it
  3. I hold no hope for this movie. I didn't really hold any hope for the first two either. somethings are better left alone. there doesn't have to be a movie for everything. hundreds of issues boiled down into 4 or 5 hours can't do the series justice. and Fraiser as Beast......... well, nuff said.
  4. I don't have that game but I have had other games that would not launch from Avalaunch or evox but will launch from XBMC or UnleashX. it's pretty weird.
  5. I'm not importing a game from the UK that is available here. I'll prolly get gta and upgrade to 2.0 then pick up SDvsR06 when I see it used. but not for a while. I'm just not ready to let go of my iso loaders yet.
  6. I just actually read the whole "theory" now. lol I guess no-one noticed the last page. I'm guessing the whole web site is an ad for a "blair witch" style movie. OR if this guy is serious he's smoked more crack then tyrone biggums.
  7. I don't think there has been any new versions of emulators for xbox for quite a while. just log on to xbins and grab whatever is latest.
  8. haha thats pretty cool. I have tattooed megaman in all his NES pixel glory and cactar from the final fantasy series on a guy a few years ago
  9. Unless one of the songs you learned by ear contains easy to know chordes. Most of Frank Black and The Pixies' tabs are like that. Just a bunch of B5s and A5s <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and there is no copyright on power chords. come on I can play just about anything (minus crazy jazz and stuff like that. heheh) convincingly with the same 4 or 5 power chords. and the basic "cowboy chords"
  10. I want it but its a 2.0 only game and thats only after you use the firmware trick to trick it into thinking its 2.5. meh I'll pass for naw.
  11. I didn't read it but I have my own theory. he fell from grace becouse he's crazy and freaked out. ran off to afrika and didn't want to do another season of one of comedy centrals top rated shows. as far as the industry is concerned he is unreliable. the same thing happened to martin lawerance when he ran around long beach naked waving a glock around.
  12. most tabs are not completely acurate anyways, usually just the chord progressions maybe a halfway acurate melody if your lucky. I don't see how they can sue over one persons impression of a song. whats next? sueing cover bands? sueing me for figuring out songs by ear? I can kinda see if someone buys a tab book and copies it down and posts it on the internet... but most of whats out there is just notes from people who figured out something that sounds close by ear.
  13. i've been using Aston for a few weeks but haven't found a working crack... so I guess when my 30 day eval is up its bye bye aston. I'm gonna give Opus a try now.
  14. disney has put out worse under the buena vista label
  15. you guys realise those books are religious propaganda right? just simple retellings of bible stories to appeal to kids.
  16. how about we stop with the kindergarden guessing games and either tell us or don't.
  17. how many fan boys are furiously rubbing thier groins right now?
  18. maybe I'm just old fashioned, but this is seriously fscked up. I'll never understand the japan pedo genre
  19. thats pretty freaking gay. I hate to think where the USB ports are. THIS IS a cool PC
  20. ok looking around the onion it looks like a joke news site
  21. WTF? that can't be serious. so I could get sued for telling my friend about the new Horrorpops album? how do they expect non-top 40/radio friendly bands to sell albums.
  22. I don't think my wife and kids would feel that way heheh. anyways by jan or feb there will be some decent games to play, right now only condemned has my attention. I can wait.
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