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Everything posted by Inky

  1. funnyest E3 related thing I've seen so far http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2005-05-23&res=h some of the stuff in the PA newspost made me chuckle too
  2. yeah I love it when people say xbox has no good games when 80% of both console's liberary is the same. if you love jap style rpgs then xbox isn't for you, I pretty much hate jap style rpgs so I don't miss em. Most of the games I play on xbox are available on ps2 and ngc.
  3. I was a member of emuparadise at the time of the invasion but did not take part. I left there soon after. I think I remember some dude named knightofnachos started that whole thing.
  4. 2k1 and 2k3 are the only ones i ever play, I am not really interested in this or the other kof games that have or are coming out lately.
  5. other then hearing about the new consoles and a handful of games, e3 was a non-event for me.
  6. if you have a dvd drive I'd get the dvd edition, less discs to worry about
  7. looks good to me, old nick cage got him some hair for this part
  8. she's got those crazy meth-head eyes, just like the run away bride.
  9. the ghostrider bike looks good. I am sooo looking forward to that movie.
  10. Inky


    the dude already has a xecuter and xapter already in another box. he just wants a different dvd drive for whatever reason. I agree though if your gonna solder the lpc rebuild it's only a few more minutes to finish teh install with pinheaders or a wire harness.
  11. best comic book movie ever = the crow or blade 1 (tie)
  12. thats an interesting spin by the big N. throwing gba, gba sp, ds and ngc all together to pad their numbers out. everyone knows nintendo sells a bagillion GBAs a year.
  13. I want a dedicated wolverine movie. batman begins looks ok. never liked superman. is there any news on ghostrider?
  14. tony hawk's american wasteland sounds pretty rad.
  15. I would expect nothing less from nintendo. a nintendo system with out a horrid demented controller these days is like a day without sunshine.
  16. final fight does look awesome. I think the brawler games are making a comback
  17. Inky


    why not just order a new dvd drive from ebay? save a few bucks. I have vary few problems with my old thompson, you just have to know what to feed it. mine likes memorex cd-rw x4 and pretty much any dvd-r but almost no dvd+r.
  18. yeap looks like it uses the same plugs as NGC, and the same memcard slots too.
  19. how can Netscape release a browser with IE and Firefox intigrated? not gonna read teh wall of text article on it cuz I am quite happy with firefox
  20. holy crap... return of the dead threads. anyways drake. it's a game where you roll "CLUMPS" clumps of what exactly is up for debate I guess. but it sounds like a dung beetle sim to me. obviously those crazy japs LOVE rolling Clumps.
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