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Everything posted by Inky

  1. that controller is whack. the system itself looks pretty good. of course I'd get the White one bluetooth and blueray is gonna make this thing cost as much as a used car though.
  2. I don't see how it could be selective, it either is or isn't.
  3. ahh I have a happy feeling now. to bad it's not a compilation like the darkstalkers game. I hear a guilty gear game is coming to psp too, PSP could be the 2d fighters dream machine.
  4. that would be good news if I had any retail xbox games
  5. for me movies and mp3's are a nice addition. I find my self listening to music on my psp all the time at work. ripping from dvd and encoding to mp4 takes a long time so I don't watch movies much. every so often I will go through the whole process to watch a movie. games wise, I recommend Lumines, Hotshots golf, darkstalkers and wipeout pure. I recommend psp wholeheartedly.
  6. I don't feel like waiting on the pdf, someone post the jist, what sites?
  7. here's a free beta for a mmorpg golf hybrid. those wacky koreans just messed around with it for a minute. it kinda reminds me of hotshots and ragnarok had a baby. anyways the link! www.gamengame.com then the game is shots! online. there are a few others there but they don't appear to be in english, from the trailers anyways. as far as I know they are all in free beta.
  8. but untill the 1.5 firmware is cracked this is useless to everyone exept those with a un-upgraded v1.0 jap psp.
  9. I heard about this today on mark and brian. too bad. but I'm sure he'll be back. all the best comedians are crazy unstable bastards.
  10. lol reminds me of the bit in "eddie murphy raw". where he's talking about pretending to be able to fight. before eddie became kid friendly :\
  11. yeah I hope they just bundle it all together this time. or at least make a special bundle with all the stuff in it. I miss the days when you got 2 controllers and a game with a new system.
  12. my son is quite fond of gamemaker. he makes little games on it all the time.
  13. Inky


    http://www.xbox-scene.com/tutorials.php http://www.teamxecuter.com/ between those two sites everything you need to know about xbox modding can be found.
  14. here comes captain obvious!!
  15. Inky


    I'm pretty sure the tut I linked to you in another thread awhile back said to flash the flashbios in bank 1 and the hacked bios in bank 2. but I guess you didn't bother to read it. GG doing these mods can be difficult and break your box. just ask some of the people here with broken xboxs. you really need to read up on stuff and be sure you understand it BEFORE doing anything to your box. hell I knew exactly how to install, flash, install a bigger hdd, and dashboard before I even had the xbox and chip. but I'll get off my soapbox now........ if you are running evolutionX as a dash then you can flash from there. but you need the bios on the harddrive first. there is a tut on x-s. I suggest you read it.
  16. looks hot! *inky saves his pennys now we just need to wait too see what is really going on with nentindo and sony.
  17. I was vary close and did not even consider going
  18. oohh evil double post (a day later) Guild Wars. man I am impressed. totally playable on 56k. when soloing anyways. I haven't joined up in a party yet. and it looks hella good even on my old radeon 8500LE.
  19. 75 I got bored around 50. heheeh. damn dude learn to reload!!!
  20. none of what has been dumped is near 1gig. I can't find the numbers I came across but wipeout was around 200mb
  21. I dunno about that, I haven't played and emulator in at least a month, and I haven't updated any emulators or roms in at least 3. I just come here out of habit and because I like most of the peepulation here. but I do like emu-tards.com nice ring to it.
  22. splintercell: CT trying to get through the first level without being seen or killing anyone. I don't want to even have to knock anyone out but the guy on top of the lighthouse has to go.
  23. heh. that was my favorite car of all time man, you could slide that thing around corners so good. it was so light I could push start it up a hill by my self. being a english car it was to difficult to keep running, maintenance was way overpriced. I had to take it to the Jag dealer to get it worked on. lol
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