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Everything posted by Inky

  1. first pic revealed!!!!! ohhh it's hot notice the gyroscopic controller for true 3d space control and the holographic projection unit for eye popping true 3d visuals
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW http://www.xboxrepairguide.com/index.php/cPath/28_29_59
  3. the cars and environment look amazing. the guy walking in the first pic.... not so much
  4. you've never played SEGA's Time Traveler. a 3d holographic game from days gone by. they had one of these at an arcade I used to frequent as a lad. the game sucked but the hologram was amazing. SEGA's Time Traveler Holographic game more time traveler anyways I smell virtual boy stink all over this announcement
  5. heheh whan I first heard that song I was like oh isn't that a nice song to get a girl all gooey. then I found out it was about his battle with anarexia. lol, a dude with anarexia.... what a homo. anyways youth brigade - what are you fighting for?
  6. I think I know this site with out having the link in hand. is it the sex is for fags / iron hymen sites? if not someone pm me the link
  7. true dat. I think a shadow run game based on the morrowind engine would rock so hard, a shadowrun game based on GTA3 engine with roleplaying elements would kick butt too. but I'd settle for some shadowrun condoms
  8. VICTOLY! anyways I am not to excited about either of these games. I haven't really likes SS since ss2 4 and 5 were "OK" /me waits for world heros sequel
  9. if firefox made a IM I might actually be persuaded to use IM. well untill the first time some stranger bugged me to chat.
  10. new fire pro! hopefully it comes out on xbox. finally a decent wrestling game
  11. ahh I thing swamp thing came first. I'm pretty sure EC comics was doing swamp thing in the early '70s. I'm still not watching it
  12. man thing is just a swamp thing rip off.
  13. great name and great news! congratulations man! and you WILL be up for those 3 am changes and feeding. bet on it hehehe.
  14. Man-Faye has infiltrated the guilty gear universe
  15. whats up with that one riding a goat?!? anyways if the borders bug that much switch to the light colored skin.
  16. young MC - bust a move lol J/K Minor Threat - guilty of being white
  17. the pic of barret looks too real, like he wont fit in with the rest of the spiky haired characters.
  18. call super nanny! she'll put that kid in the naughty chair, then sit down for tea and crumpets
  19. I was getting IO errors. I am pretty sure I fixed it with updated cd plugin. maybe not though it's been so long, I don't even have chankast installed anymore. the whole layering issue turned me off.
  20. I remember at the end of shadowrun for SNES it said something about shadowrun 2........ LIERS! other then that, I can't believe noone has mentioned street fighter 4
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