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Everything posted by Inky

  1. it should say: 1Emulation.com: Emulators good, Roms Bad.
  2. I never really liked quake. at the time my pc was crap so it sucked. so I never really got into it. by the time I had a decent pc I was playing UT and not looking back.
  3. well that sucks but is to be expected when you drop something like that. on a side note. what is up with that sig? obviously we are all here at 1emulation for our emulation needs and not requesting roms. advertising a board on the board doesn't make much sense. just a thought.
  4. Jade Empire this game is pretty flockin' rad
  5. well I missed the chat so post how you broke it here.
  6. before you create your iso make sure the.xbe is named default.xbe or it won't work.
  7. like thraxen I don't think it would boot after a bad flash unless the chip was disabled. It's turned on right? I *think* unmodded xboxs can play mp3 discs so I dunno if that is a good test. put together an emulation disc or a bootable evolutionx disc and see it that works. if it does then you are set. make sure you use the right kind of media for your xbox.
  8. what do you guys think of the new Amityville Horror movie? anyone gonna see it? I am really tempted because the book scared the crap out of me as a kid, and I liked the original but thought with better acting and effects it could have been THE horror film of the 70's perhaps beating the exorcist and texas chainsaw massacre.
  9. messing with her's kinda makes me want one..... heheh. I wish they made the iPod Mini in white. all they have is gay colors. I got her pink of course but not being able to delete music from the player itself is super annoying.
  10. yeah it's available on DVD now. I've prolly seen The Warriors 100 times over the years. I want to read the book but I think it is out of print. being from Rockstar and based on GTA it shoud be good. just plug in the characters and storyline and bam! this game is at the top of my "must buy at retail" list. "who are the Warriors? there must be some word. I want ALL the Warriors, I want them alive if possible, if not WASTED. But I want them. send the word."
  11. owned. how? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats how! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I gotta hear how you broke it. you tried the ninja UMD disc launch didn't you?
  12. http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4703 http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/media.php?id=742 I just crapped my pants at the thought of running around 70's new york whoopin' the baseball furies ass as Ajax or Swan if you've seen the Warriors then you are exited. if you haven't seen the Warriors you suck anyways can you dig it? CAN YOU DIG IT? CAAAN YOU DIGG ITTTT?????
  13. warren zevon - werewolves of london "Little old lady got mutilated late last night Werewolves of London again AAWOOO! Werewolves of London AAWOOOOOO! I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's And his hair was perfect AAWOOO! Werewolves of London AAWOOOOOO!"
  14. yeah you can play backups and emus on disc through the ms dash. but you need evox or something to really get the full use out of your xbox, (to put stuff on the harddrive, ftp, stuff like that) I always make a 1mb bios by using the flashbios in bank 1x2 and the 49XX bios in bank 2x2 that way I can get back to the flashbios easy if I want to update my bios.
  15. heheh good idea. but i don't think I could sell it. I had it engraved with: (wifes name)'s iPod Sucka! if they could have done emoticons I woulda had the afro emoticon on there too. I thought I made this thread in spam?!?
  16. rancid - golden gate fields "I seen Big Al come rollin' up the street. on his little sisters pink 10 speed. He said: hey Tim, Tim, don't you remember me? from way back in 1973. every time I see him he has to remind me like I could ever... forget Big Al."
  17. so my wife insisted on an ipod since I got a psp. it came last night and over all am impressed. but it isn't with out it's problems. there is no clear way to remove songs from it. nothing in the manual. I finally figured it out. but I mean come on. you HAVE to be connected to the pc to remove songs. WTF?! I hooked it up to the pc and IT uploaded every mp3 we have. the problem with that is most of it is mine and my wife can't stand it. she doesn't want her iPod defiled with crude punk rock and psychobilly. a better way to manage files is needed for sure.
  18. just looking at it again and it looks like a n64 on 'roids. if they want to make it fit in with the psp they can do better.
  19. gidjits - one stones throw away from a riot
  20. a brother would but 22 inch rims on a toaster "look, they spinnin' n*gga!"
  21. are you still seeing the xecuter flash bios screen when you turn it on? link me to the tut you used. I just installed and flashed an xecuter 2.6 ce like 5 minutes ago. I used the http flash and it wqas the easyest flash I ever did. I have flashed with cd-rw and flashers too.
  22. ahh may 12th for some reason I had april in my mind. I am supahot for white. I wanted those limited jap white xbox and ps2 sooo bad. and the white psp looks slick too.
  23. so did anyone see it? wasn't it supposed to air yesterday? anyways I hpe the system is white. I love white systems
  24. egh it's pretty ugly. I think it's fake. sony usually puts out more stylish stuff then that.
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