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Everything posted by Inky

  1. all I am saying is I was a correctional officer for 8 years. and I have met rapists, murdering (manslaughter) drunk drivers, hard core gang-bangers, drug kingpins, and pedophiles that had lighter sentances then that. 9 years in the pen for some viagra e-mails is out of whack. and about his money. good for him, he made money of idiots who responded to his spam. I just empty my spam box without looking at it so I don't care if he sent me 100 spam mails a day. it's retards that lined his pockets,
  2. you pluck your eyebrows don't you? heheh they are just too perfect.
  3. yeah I heard about this on the radio. 9 years is alittle harsh. Violent sickos have gotten off easier.
  4. the design looks much to "hasbro" or "tonka" for me.
  5. my solderless matrix comes out of alignment all the time. it used to be fine but lately it is really becoming a pain in the butt. I was thinking of putting the xecuter in with an xapt3r but my screw hole is alittle blown out from reinstalling the matrix and using a bigger screw so I am gonna wire install when my new chip arrives.
  6. here is a good thread on the wire install on a 1.0 xbox over at xbox scene http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho....6+wire+install here's another good tut http://www.system-mods.com/guides/xecuter26/ with all that it should be pretty easy to get yourself up and running
  7. check out www.teamxecuter.com and www.xbox-scene.com good tuts over there on soldering in the xecuter chips. I just ordered a new xecuter2.6 too I am tired of my matrix coming out of alignment. direct link to tutotials http://www.teamxecuter.com/x3/tutorials/x3pin1015.htm it says 3.0 but it's the same for 2.6 soldering guide http://www.epemag.com/solderfaq/pictures.htm bios flashing tut http://www.teamxecuter.com/flashbios/
  8. so my brother-in-law is visiting and he was checking out my modded xbox. I was showin him some stuff and he is now interested in modding his slimline ps2. he doesn't want to solder so I suggested swapdisks and the "ghostswitch" but I am not up on the ps2 scene so if there is any other options available let me know and I'll pass it on to him. he is not up on the mod scene at all, he has cable internet and wasn't even aware of torrents lol. so I am schooling him on the way of the pirate
  9. man if I woulda known that I woulda got a job at gamestop while I was unemployed.
  10. DBZ: Sagas I got it for my son, but I am having some fun with it too. it's definately got it's flaws (no camera control) but it has charm.
  11. lately I've only been eating one meal and a snack or two so I am not at risk of over eating.
  12. I didn't even know anyone used ICQ anymore. why not just get trillian and reg with all 3?
  13. she called me that day and was like: "some girl was messenging you, her name was rose or something" rotf
  14. they should have made a pimp sim for the nes and you could use the power glove to "pimp slap" your ho's heheh.
  15. I remember the first message I got from fatal. I was in florida, downloading something and there he was. lol I was like WTF? who is this guy? lol later I left FLA and my mom didn't know how to stop the messenger from starting with windows and he messenged her heheheh.
  16. the only game i'd want to play with this tech is some of those "dating sims"
  17. the best messenger is an UNINSTALLED messenger. those things are annoying. you'll be trying to look at porn or something then Fatal will be IMing you wanting to talk about mexico and summer camp.
  18. so don't take out the headphones "really fast"
  19. the namco x capcom cover looks cool. I am still not interested in KOF: neowave.
  20. I would just go and try to sneak in but I am not driving 3 and a half hours to maybe get in.
  21. check here http://www.wififreespot.com/ there is nothing really going on with infastructure right now anyways. you could always set up your own wireless network at home. (it's gonna cost you)
  22. happy birthday to my son! 10 years old already. jeez, I feel old.......
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