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Everything posted by Inky

  1. man I want to go to e3 so bad, I wish they had a day for the public. anyone going need an "assistant"? I'll carry your crap if you get me in.
  2. I'll prolly "aquire" this one soon. every time I go to gamestop the clerks are like "wanna preorder doom3?" I just wanna say "if I did, don't you think I would have already?" the only thing I've ever preordered in my life was the dreamcast and the original snes street fighter 2.
  3. I'm not sure that is what I want out of my games.
  4. 834 ft on the first try. this game pwns!
  5. is that the song about going to the supermarket and buying tuna fish? that song is funny. social distortion - 1945
  6. there are hotspots all over. check around your town. the liberary and coffee shops are good places to check. or do a google for free wifi hotspots and your towns name.
  7. yep I did the alignment a few times back in the day. this isn't a laser problem, it's a smell of burning plastic problem.
  8. Inky


    I don't think so. I don't understand why people feel the need to release fake stuff
  9. I'm not much of a war movie fan. but I'd rent it if I saw it around I guess.
  10. here's a good list of stuff for psp http://discuss.mobiledeviant.com/showthread.php?t=154
  11. rotf that "I will treasure this for hours" line is great.
  12. I don't worry about the psp's durability. but I don't treat it like a stray dog either. the only thing that bugs me is it collects fingerprints like those dudes from CSI. I'm serious wanna catch a killer, get a warrent for his psp. sometimes I'll wipe it down, walk away and when I come back there will be prints on it, like ghosts wanna play my psp or something.
  13. I was told once to email the links to my self then open them from the email program and that would bypass websence but I had no joy on that. I think you are just flocked and will have to find other ways to goof off at school
  14. yeah I don't care who makes em as long as it is good. I am tired of substandard wwe games.
  15. I have no problems. drake does the sound do that when you are listening with the headphones? maybe they are bad.
  16. for ad hoc you need to be around other people with a psp and the game you want to play, for infastructure you need to be at a hotspot, have the psp configured for that hotspot and a game that supports infastructure mode. you also have to turn your wlan switch on really it's all in tha manual. as for the usb cable they sell em at gamestop and places like that. I got mine in a travel pack. but they also have them anywhere digital cameras are sold.
  17. hahah that was so funny. I loved that flash. I'm going to newgrounds right now to watch it again.
  18. I always use the falling sleeper (jericho's "breakdown") and orton's reverse neck/backbreaker as my finishers. but the tag partner thing really annoys me. I made a stable in hctp then started playing and I ended up in a tag match with stone cold against the rest of my stable. I was like WTF?! I'm gonna get WM21 for xbox when it comes out. I hope it is better then raw 2
  19. that looks like a pretty interesting site. I'll have to look it over later.
  20. nero and alcohol 120% have always worked for me. do you wanna watch it in a dvd player? if so try dvdsanta. if you are just archiving it and watching it on pc nero will be fine.
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