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Everything posted by Inky

  1. the only game I ever had a problem with was lord of the rings third age. it was in black and white. other then that all my pal games work fine.
  2. You can't. But since you have the game, I can just send you the patch, the crack and the fake server. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how big is just the patch, crack, and fake server?
  3. I'll prolly see it tomarrow at a matinee. less crowded that way.
  4. you must not like 2d fighters then.....
  5. it's sad to think that so many younger kids have never even seen a saturn. it was better then the psx, every game that was available on both systems was better on saturn. I miss my saturn..... thats to bad agozer, most of the packages on froogle are only around 30 bucks USD. have you ever thought of getting one of those prepaid credit cards? I dunno which ones would be available in your country but I have one from www.greendot.com that I use for online orders.
  6. http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=nights...off&sa=N&tab=wf http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8181281132&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW kill away!
  7. after looking over those pics in AndymaN's gamemaster topic I got to thinking what I would have If I kept every system I ever owned. so here is my list atari 2600 (i think that's what it was it was woodgrain I remember that) pretty sure we had another atari but don't know which one sega master system NES (frontloader) SNES genesis (old big one) sega cd (powered tray) turbographics 16 tg16 cd gamegear atari linx saturn PSX (old style) dreamcast game boy gameboy color PS2 (old style) gamecube Xbox NDS PSP out of all that all I have now is xbox, psp, nds, broken dc and a broken ps2 I always ended up selling older systems to finance the newer ones :\ I'd be well on my way to a game room like that dudes had I kept everything.
  8. sounds interesting. to bad I can't acquire the files.....damn 56k.
  9. the pics don't work for me.... I see teh stupid mario bro's backgraound and those little ripped paper icons edit in -> got it to load, thats alot of stuff. I bet he doesn't even play any of it. looks like an obsessive collector to me. I've owned most of those systems at one time or another. the amount of games is really what is staggering.
  10. yeah I read some reviews, and seen a feature on xplay about red ninja...... too bad, I was hoping it would be good. it's off my radar now. speaking of xplay.. has anyone seen that techtv show "cheat" the chick that hosts that show is hot. but like xplay the content isn't much to get exited about. anyways Darkstalkers: chronicles the chaos tower pretty good! I don't have any complaints about the controls like I've heard other people have. the tower mode is nice, something alittle different.
  11. if you need more xbox help head over to www.xbox-scene.com and look over thier tutorials, faqs and forums. it's really the best place for info on xbox modding. I'm sure they'll have a tut on installing whatever chip you decide to get.
  12. sandman gets no complaints from me. I really hoped for electro, he's always been my favorite spidy villian, aside from venom.
  13. hopefully my interest in FPS comes back by the time this is released. I am kinda burnt out on FPS right now.
  14. yeah with a modchip you can do all that. you can go for just about any solderless and be fine. the newer solderless adapters are much better and don't come out of alignment alot like the older chips. if you can solder or know someone who can, then it is better to solder it in there.
  15. the jap psp's have dead pixels just like the american version. it's really just something we are going to have to get used too. every online place I have looked is sold out of the 1 gb sandisk sticks....
  16. Twisted Metal: Head on for PSP of the three games I have for the PSP: twisted metal, wipeout and darkstalkers. I really enjoy all of them. but wipeout is the best so far. gonna get lumines and hotshots golf if it is out this weekend. then I'll slow down on game purchases. gotta catch up on my xbox games, still have to get splinter cell 3 and red ninja.
  17. yeah that's why I never got a treemcast, the price is way outta wack with the original DC. the one thing I really like is the saturn style pads they come with. but I've never been able to find them sold individually. doesn't matter anymore cuz my DC gave up the ghost a few months back.
  18. I never really got into Dr. Who. But I did love Red Dwarf. and it was about as cheesy as SciFi effects can get.
  19. american launches are always full of mishaps. and never as good as the japanese launch. exept in the case of the xbox who's american launch outshined it's jap launch for obvious reasons. the point is that the PSP has some good titles out the gate with more coming at a steady rate. the DS has been out for a good while already and there are still vary few titles worth playing and the real hot DS titles like metroid and advance wars ds are still a long way off.
  20. I played the xbox import of shikigami no shiro. I dunno... a verticle scrolling shooter, with flying people instead of aircraft... it was alittle too wierd for me.
  21. I don't have any thank god! but my DS has a few dead pixels. I only notice them when the screen is pure black or pure white. they aren't as big of a deal as people make them out to be. they are unnoticeable in the heat of gaming.
  22. You have it already?!? i tot u r getting a DS? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah I got it at launch. I have the DS but it just doesn't do it for me.
  23. is there anything wrong with your drive now? or are you just trying to sidestep a mod with this? if that is the case no it won't work. if your drive is bad do as Prican said and get a replacement that was made for the xbox.
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