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Everything posted by Inky

  1. unless you enjoy watching me sleep, play games or watch TV in a sleep deprived daze, or play chauffeur for my wife and kids. I doubt hanging with me would be any fun. oh, you could help me clean my fish tank! or change the headgasket on my shitty car!
  2. I am good. I always work midnight to 8AM. Most likely not.
  3. one. bonus points if she didn't speak a lick of english.
  4. you should keep a picture of a big fat naked guy in your phone for just such occasions.
  5. she prolly sent it to you on accident. ment to send it to someone else. so when you asked her about it she freaked. now she wants to pretend it didn't happen and is hoping you'll go along.
  6. seriously. don't try to figure women out. just know they like shiny things and drinks with fruit in them. as for the other stuff. sounds like depression. go see a Doc and get some happy pills.
  7. hahah, ditto for me tonight. I saw you guys on but was watching that shit card. with all those heavy hitters on one card you'd figure at least one match would be good.... but no.
  8. Hopper was the man. perhaps in heaven Gary Coleman will finally find out what Willis was talkin' bout.
  9. If you want some WacDonalds can you get it?
  10. it's not anything new and it's never gonna change. Hell even the damn Dev of emulators that are free on the PC is charging for them on the Iphone.
  11. I've watched about 40 minutes of Prince of Persia..... I'm not even sure is Meh is a strong enough word to describe it.
  12. finally got around to watching Iron Man 2...... meh. it was alright. I really didn't see what the hype was about with the first one. so this one was no different for me. Iron Man is just a uninteresting character to me. At least I had Scarlett to look at. Kick Ass and the Losers still sits unloved on my HDD.
  13. I'm pretty sure mine unlocked right away. I still haven't done the first Social Club challenge.
  14. do you have access to all the crazy Chinese knockoffs? fake iPhones and what not. I want a knockoff iPad.
  15. I have no problem with it. my only issue is
  16. grandma's boy Step Brothers Taladega Nights Anchorman The Waterboy I can watch any of those movies over and over.
  17. if you hitch a horse it becomes you're new horse. so when you break a high level horse make sure to hitch it at a house. I finished the main story today. I need to get back into online now.
  18. never seen any of those.. but I wish I could find a Donkey Lady.
  19. I got the elegant, suit, the gentleman's attire, duster, poncho, bandito and bollard gang outfits. I stick with the poncho unless I am playing poker.
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