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Everything posted by Inky

  1. where are you getting used xboxes for 60 bucks? they are twice that around here.
  2. when is the white version gonna be out? it looks hot
  3. last i checked daraku tenshi: fallen angels is NOT working :\
  4. as the launch date gets nearer my will falters. If I see one on friday when I am out shopping I may just get one. here's to hoping they are sold out. cuz if I get one I can kiss my new xbx modchip, flash linker, and part of my laptop money goodbye :\
  5. yeah I think it is. well If you do decide to reformat why not make a small partition and install dos 7.10 by itself.
  6. when I got my xbox it wasn't because of exlusive software. it was because of what can be done once modded. bigger hard drive, xmc, linux, (but I never took the plunge on that) emulation. my xbox is whatever I want, a fully stocked arcade, a snes, a tg16, whatever. but anyways there are some good exlusive titles halo 1 & 2 panzer dragoon orta shenmue 2 if you never played it on DC kotor 1 & 2 jade empire is coming project gotham racing 1 & 2 breakdown crimson skies: high road to revenge theres more I can't think of off the top of my head. links and topspin are good too.
  7. nope, soul calibur is a dreamcast thing.
  8. this is a prime example of why people need to think of this type of thing at let their families know thier wishes. my wife and mother know what to do if this were to happen to me. And I know what to do if it were to happen to someone in my family. there would be no arguement because we all know what we would want in a situation like that. I don't think a judge should be making this decision. and I don't think starving her to death is the right way to let her pass.
  9. man you make these hard. I know I have played at least 3 of those games but have no idea what they are called no.5 is not river city ransom madi
  10. I was this close *piches fingers together* to paying for a psp friday. I was in gamestop, had the money in my pocket and the clerk told me not all of the launch units were spoken for. it was close but I held out cuz I know 300+ bucks (system, game and tax) could be better spent elsewhere. eventually I'll get one. but I have my DS untill then.
  11. I don't gamble, unless I am in vegas or laughlin. I don't even buy lottary tickets.
  12. yeah I've checked it out before. I didn't see any reason to switch from google though
  13. project snowblind meh it's isn't all that so far. we'll see if it keeps my attention long enough to get good, or at least grow on me.
  14. did GameCop just make a funny?!?! anyways good to see the board back up! thanks to all those involved in the hard work.
  15. ok so lets say anything over 30fps is tv quality. good enough for me. I don't need my games running at 100fps 60fps seems to be the standard for most video games anyways. which makes me ask, what good is a console game running at 60 fps when the tv it is played on will only show every other frame? Hmmmm... A question for the ages. and yes I know we are talking pc here, just wondering out loud...
  16. I dun care. they are just a bunch of idiots who get payed millions of dollars to play games kids play for free. I'd rather watch a good collage game then any MLB, NBA, or NFL game. if these guys didn't take 'roids to keep up with pro sports then they'd be washing windows, or installing car stereos. scraping by like the rest of us.
  17. dropkick murphy's pwn flogging molly. anyways yeah this is kinda a lame holiday even though I got a chunk of irish in me. outgrew the green thing and worked most of the night so no partys or green beer for me.
  18. as far as I am concerned A TV only refreshes at like 28 fps. anything over that is fine. If I could get 50 fps in HL2 I'd be turning cartwheels.
  19. Ireally didn't like the last PoP so I am not sure about that one.
  20. Jae Lee. The scene is from Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects #1. The characters from the EA side are introduced in the comic before the game, so really if you want to know about the game, you should go read that comic. That interview was severly lacking on any info I wanted to know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> did he ink it too? whoever inked those panels is my hero now. but I am not exited about the game. I haven't had any hope for it since the licence was announced. and the screens haven't changed anything.
  21. I always play the splinter cell games. so I will get the new one, other then that I haven't really heard anything on the others. I know about ghost recon and rainbow six, I think I'll pass. Title to be confirmed sounds like a good game!
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