heheh you totally used that word wrong. here's todays vocabulary lesson: you are an ASS your posts are assinine. now as for the racism thing. you implied that if we didn't embrace eastern RPG's we must be racists. even though we all own eastern consoles, and tv's. most everyone in this thread is a diehard eastern fighting game fan. my point was that there are lots of parts of asian culture I find useless and stupid (hentai, used underwear vending machines, idiots dieing from malnutrition cuz they are too busy playing ragnarok, ect.) Do I hate eastern races and culture because of this? no. and if we are going to think this way then japan is a nation a racists because they haven't embraced the xbox and if you haven't noticed Morrowind has been out for years. I've beat it so many times because I've had it since it's release and I like it, it's hardly all I do. between my art, my guitar, work, my side work as a tattoo artist, my wife and kids, friends, and all my other games, you'd wonder how I have time to eat and sleep much less play a game for hours at a time. I don't consider diablo and it's clones or harvest moon rpgs. so when ever you bring those up my eyes just gloss over and you lose crediblity points with me and finally, there are some eastern rpgs I like but I grew up with real pen and paper shadowrun and D&D.