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Everything posted by Inky

  1. it's all in browser text based. anyways I am garageink in new york if anyone joins add me to your friends
  2. I wanna see it this weekend I have read the comic from time to time. I want to try the new game too.
  3. I posted this over at 2emu but there's more traffic here: http://www.barafranca.com/ this sounds like it might be cool. it's a text based mmo. it's free too. we should start a crime family.
  4. I haven't played anything in almost a week. I am hoping to find some time this weekend to try out Constantine maybe go see it too
  5. hey man we have a lot in common. I'm 30 and used to be a C/O in Cali. so anyways welcome back to the "boreds"
  6. ya know if you preorder Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich from http://www.freedomfans.com/store/ the first 500 get signed concept art.
  7. like that old commercial where the couple made a fish sculpture out of aol cds heheh
  8. here's the one i did a few days back when wierd posted the link in IRC I liked gryphs one from then better
  9. this summer I'll be out alot going to car shows and swap meets and such. prolly take the familia camping too it's been to long since I have been camping.
  10. geez it's been so long since I've had to try pick up lines on a girl.
  11. I am out in exess of 8 hours a day on weekdays since work is mostly outdoors in the hot desert sun. weekends I am inside mostly.
  12. just another day for my wife to make me feel guilty
  13. more cowbell! lol I love that bit christopher walken pwns all social distortion - sick boy
  14. to reflash your bios you need to look up how to do it for your mod chip as it's different for most. like my matrix can flash from evolutionx or from a flasher it came with. but my sister's can flash from a cd. look through the tutorials for your chip at xbox-scene.
  15. most sports games are 4 player i think the n64 is the champion of 4 player fun.
  16. that's my favorite love & rockets song! the amazing crowns - losing streak
  17. that whole post was like reading stove top stuffing ingredients in another language.
  18. a few apply to me but this one hits close to home: 24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar. man we've been doing that for ever. me and my friends call it "pre-loading" you gotta get buzzed before you get there. lol
  19. Why people are still messing with Kawa-X I'll never know.......... FbaXXX is sooooo much better
  20. I recently went back and played sh4 again but had to stop becouse the way I am set up the xbox and tv is in the same area as the main tv so I have to play with the sound lowered. playing a horror game with the sound down is useless.
  21. thanks for the replies! I liked the snes version of harvest moon. fighting games with just 2 buttons and the shoulders has got to suck how is onimusha tactics? I like the onimusha story. is it better then ffta?
  22. yeah we have been joking about this for months. even penny arcade did a strip a while back.
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