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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I dunno, RE has been going downhill for me with each release. I guess I just can't recapture that magic of staying up all night with RE1 nearly crapping my pants everytime something jumped out. the closest I've gotten to that feeling again was fatal frame. FF actually scared me unlike RE and silent hill which just jolted me
  2. pc gamepad always seem to have crappy directional pads. I use an xbox controller and home made adapter. I have used ps2 pads with adapters before. I think both are good, I just like the xbox pad better then the ps2 pad.
  3. back on track... I haven't even looked at the patent, or specs or anything like that. when the systems come out I'll make a decision on weather to go with microsoft, sony, nintendo or some combination of the 3. I don't love or hate one company over the other. as I've had consoles from all of them with the exeption of snk and 3do. it really comes down to wich one is the most "moddable" so media is going to be a big factor for me.
  4. How much dose of dumbass did you take? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey if you think pikmen, pokemon, animal crossing, and mario tennis are killer ap must have titles more power too you. but blaming sony for the fall of sega or nintendo is just stupid, both those company's have made thier own mistakes. sony didn't hold a gun to thier heads and say "run your company like a fourth grader with A.D.D." I hope nintendo makes a comeback with a good system and some more mature games. I always choose my next system well after launch. and I have owned just about every system since the SMS. so if you think someone who's been involved in the game and console scene longer then you've been out of diapers is a dumbass...... whateva.
  5. I doubt that with Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0 and Metroid Prime grabbing my genderless spot of own. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Resident evil, funny you mention that after railing on graphics over gameplay in the team ninja thread. an old ass game that everyone was done with, brought back with a shiny coat of paint. even still those three games don't outweigh all the kiddy games and cartoony crap that has always been the big N's bread and butter. but this stuff is falling out of favor even with the younger kids as my nephews have an xbox, ps1, PC and GC. they are 11 and 7 and neither will choose to play the GC if either of the other consoles is free. these kids don't read magazines or watch game related shows. they just "know". now I am not saying every game on the GC is garbage. there are a few 1st party titles that shine. (metroid series, Zelda, err that's all i can think of) but all the 3rd party titles can be found on other systems and you don't have to deal with that "look what I designed while I was on crack" controller. or media that doesn't even hold half of what it's competetors do. or in the N64's case carts when every other gamemaker was producing on cd's. nintendo makes it hard for developers by using non standard media.
  6. blame nintendo's failure on always coming to market last (with underpowered hardware or crazy media) and refusing to grow up with the gaming community blame segas failure on not allowing a system to mature and leaving one console for the next too soon.
  7. I just seen baed 3 disc a on a torrent - lab. but if you aren't already a member I don't think they are taking new registers
  8. ahhh shenmue, nothing like spending all day buying sodas and little sonic toys from a gumball machine. then on the way home to beat up Fuku-San, feeding a kitten dried squid. get home kick fuku's ass and call you're girl. sleep, repeat. I don't know why I liked that game cuz it sounds dumb as hell on paper. lol
  9. what is the point of comparing 6 totally different games from totally different catagories. it's like asking "which is better the redsox, the raiders, or the pistons?"
  10. errr this dude named harold and his buddy kumar go to a fast food resturant called white castle (where they have those baby burgers) and have all kinds of wacky things happen on the way. it's funny.
  11. oops evil double post. anyways explain that bookmark thing to me alittle.
  12. do you know how to solder? if not maybe a solderless. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ya, I Know How To Solder, I Solder All THe Tyme. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> then just have him order a xecuter and solder it in there. go to xbox-scene for tuts on whatever mod chip he ends up getting.
  13. /me teases his hair and puts on eye liner the cure - just like heaven.
  14. you know maybe if we put some thoughts into these posts we could get this back into current affairs. like what you think of the song or artist you are listening to or something.
  15. audioslave - I am the freeway you know what i like about audioslave? NO flecking 3rd world political rap! and I've liked almost everything chris cornell has been involved in, soundgarden, temple of the dog, and some of his solo stuff.
  16. isn't exeem supposed to come out this week? I think I read that somewhere. I got the beta but no key
  17. remember this is the company that brought us the power glove, running mat(i dun remember what it was called it was for track and field type games), & rob the robot, not exactly awesome controllers Indeed. Ikaruga kicks ass, as does Zelda and F-Zero. Still, i'm sticking with Sony because they've given me the best value for money in the past. Though, i was playing Halo 2 with a friend a couple of hours ago, and it's pretty awesome.. the 'hijack' option allows a whole new dimension into the shooter gameplay. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ikaruga isn't a 1st party game. I had it on Dreamcast a year before it hit GC
  18. when did you become a wigger commie? as lame as it sounds IRL it's even worse on the internet.
  19. sorry to hear that. i too used to have a thomson dvd-rom but i've since got a phillips dvd-rom and works lovely <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what kind of dvd media do you run in your phillips? my sister's won't read any of my media.
  20. do you know how to solder? if not maybe a solderless.
  21. jeez that is the most retarded thing I have ever seen narrowly beating out link in SC2 for GC. what is with nintendo. it just looks retarded. cartoony style characters in a game with realistic styled graphics.
  22. my wife bitching at me for getting her the wrong kind of hair dye.
  23. an exellent game I just played Star Wars Jedi Outcast for xbox. not bad for an older game I am not vary far tho.
  24. to compare or contrast both events is sickining, both were horrible, both will leave scars for years to come.
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