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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I haven't really been jonesing for a port as SA doesn't really interest me. I have no interest in the subject matter. the old rumored sin city set in senatra era vegas sounded sooo much better to me.
  2. heheheheheh didn't read the whole post but that part caught my eye
  3. Dimebag made pantera. with out him and how popular he got to be among the guitar playing population (he was on alot of magazine covers and had multiple articles about his playing style) Pantara wouldn't have gotten as far as they did. now as for the band he was in during the shooting, I dunno I never heard of them. now as for safe concents. other then Pit injuries I have never seen anything out of the ordinary. and I have been to concerts filled with people the average person would cross the street to avoid (not talking about wanna be gang bangers here) now tomarrow I am going to a concert with zero chance of violence. Brian Setzer!
  4. KotOR 2. well if you could call loading screens a game then yeah, FInally got a lightsaber after 10 hours of game tyme.
  5. I wanted to watch it for the motley crue reunion. but other then that I don't feel I missed much. game related TV is lame all around. all that stuff on techTV is lame. I wanna smack adam sesler and morgan webb around with a rolled up newspaper. same for all the other game related shows out now.
  6. yeah you need a modchip or softmod. check out www.xbox-scene.com for all teh info you need on xbox modding and stuff.
  7. well you need a modchip installed or a softmod. but I dun know much about those exept most use a glitch in mechassualt or 007 aof saves. other then that a bigger harddrive comes in handy for putting the emus and roms on the hard drive. a good place to start is www.xbox-scene.com lots of faqs and tutorials there. first thing is to find out what version xbox you have then you can choose a chip or softmod from there.
  8. lol those aren't the pics you meant to post are they!
  9. well who ever does it (Fatal) add the peoples names under the pics.
  10. who would guess? a street fighter controller thats good for street fighter type games. herm... I agree the saturn pad was the ultimate fighting game pad. well the slimmer jap version the big black one I got with my saturn way back when kinda blew but I imported teh jap style and was in heaven untill I realised Sega screwed me again....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HAHAH dont u jus love that? u think ur doin somethin so liberating by ownin a satrun while people are out giving Sony a blowjob...then u get screwed over by Sega. I ono bout u bro, but for me, i still havent learned my lesson bc i love my Dreamcast haha. and if there ever was a dreamcast 2 or anythin like that, ill still never learn my lesson haha. besides, sega has the best street fighter games anyways....not only did we have the better controllers, but we also got to switch partners in X-men vs Street Fighter thanks to that beautiful memory cartridge. so up urs ps1-ers... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh yeah I am a total sega sucker. if they ever brought out a new system I'd be on it in a second.
  11. yeah split second was awesome that was the first cyberpunk movie I saw I can't believe I forgot it. heheh.
  12. yeah burnsycle was for CD-i then it came out for pc but I think it is pretty rare. it was kinda fun for a FMV game. the text game I played was based on shadowrun pen and paper I think. syndicate and syndicate wars was a cool RTS cyberpunk game that came out for PC and PSX I think.
  13. who would guess? a street fighter controller thats good for street fighter type games. herm... I agree the saturn pad was the ultimate fighting game pad. well the slimmer jap version the big black one I got with my saturn way back when kinda blew but I imported teh jap style and was in heaven untill I realised Sega screwed me again.......
  14. thanks everybody I am gonna try that extension Gryph! the reason I want to open every thing in tabs is cuz I am using objectbar now and don't have a taskbar. it pops out from the side of the screen if I point my mouse over there. so without all those task bar buttons it is easier to browse with tabs
  15. as for games there is shadowrun on snes and genesis, (snes version is better IMO) hell came out for pc along time ago, under a steel sky is sorta cyber punk. there was one of those online text roleplaying things (what are they called? MOOs or MUDs, something like that) I played awhile back but I can't remember the link. other pc games from way back are burncycle and the bladerunner adventure game. Uplink has a really cyberpunk feel to it and I recomend it to anyone.
  16. has anyone actually tried to make homemade egg nog? I can't be bothered there are much better and easier drinks to get me faded.
  17. besides bladerunner and johnny pnuemonic what else is considered cyberpunk? maybe free jack and lawnmower man. I was really looking forward to neuromancer but it got canned. it is my favorite book, william gibson pwns
  18. how do I make all links open in a new tab? I know I can right click them and choose open in new tab. but I just want them to default open in a tab.
  19. a friend took that pic at a car show a few months back (not my car...I wish a chopped 54 chevy, a dream come true) the first thing I did was photoshop it black and white. there is just something kool about B&W pics.
  20. man I reveal myself and get no reaction exept ghost want's nudie pics of me..............
  21. Frank Senatra and some broad - baby it's cold outside
  22. my copy loads like a snail on downers. and I have run across the black screen more then once.
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