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Everything posted by Inky

  1. that's pretty cool. I would worry about the exposed disc though. gdroms spin extremly fast. can you say amputated fingers. but I am alittle disapointed I was hoping some HK bootleggers had it for sale. like treamcast.
  2. I am streaming rockabilly radio. and eating froot loops
  3. wardevil looks interesting. shiba don't worry console have to be in the 200 range to sell. sega, snk, and 3do taught the industry that the hard way. sony and microsoft will take a loss on consoles to keep the price down, they did with this gen too. I think microsoft still losses money on consoles
  4. I reject you reality and sustitute it with my own. everything is fine, america pwns
  5. have a problem with that do you?
  6. wow that's really saying something.............. does that mean there are even more bears and dinosaurs in it?
  7. My sister in law has ferrets, they stink. I am not a big animal person.
  8. like I said before. Kick Rocks. go try to impress someone else with your wanna-be game insider bullsh*t
  9. I really wasn't to hot for the sands of tyme either. so I'll skip this one.
  10. I wish I could go back in tyme and only have exams to worry about..... good luck to all the students here be advised adulthood sucks. hehehhe
  11. I like the brian setzer orcestra's christmas album. he does a christmas show here every year that is really cool.
  12. one of my pcs restarts with out warning from tyme to tyme. pretty annoying. I even turned off the xp thing that restarts the comp after serious errors so that's not it. some days it does it every few minutes some days it doesn't do it at all. it's wierd
  13. the legendary shack shakers - piss and vinegar
  14. at my local Mcdonalds they have N64. lol we kick it old school in thte desert
  15. finally someone who likes real music Social D - sick boy
  16. well it looks ok. I don't like 3d backgrounds in a 2d game it looks funny to me.
  17. just one! you are getting better. heheh
  18. someone got a link to some screenshots or anything. this one slipped under my radar
  19. some guys singing the mario bros theme they are pretty good at tit too
  20. I learned along tyme ago that tech specs and proof of concept demos don't mean crap. they could say it makes perfect margaritas for all I care. when the games come out we'll see.
  21. well then like we say in the pen: "Kick rocks" go on and piss off then if you don't like us. I know I won't miss you. ank K' welcome back hope you stick around
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