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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I was thinking the same thing. it's amazing to look back and see what was once cutting edge looks like total crap just a few years later.
  2. the Dickies - Killer Klowns from outer space up next: The Dickies - Stukas over disneyland after that: Deadbillies - walking on her grave
  3. I nominated you....but I mispelled your name
  4. to get back on track Member of the Year 1st. GryphonKlaw 2nd Garageink 3rd K' (good for news before he went awol) Moderator/Admin of the Year I dunno I don't pay to much attention to what mods are doing Best Member's avatar/signature of the Year 1st. Garageink 2nd. GryphonKlaw (I totally visuallize him as Kramer) 3rd. Weirdy's sig Most helpful member of the Year everyone is helpful usually 1st Prican25 with Xbox stuff 2nd Shibathedog with DC stuff 3rd KyokugenKiss & Violence with fashion stuff Arcade member of the Year Dunno I dun pay attention to the arcade leaders Weirdest member of the Year 1st. Tie: Cominus and FatalRose 2nd. Tie: Violence and KyoKugenKiss 3rd. me for hanging out here Best Newbie (Newcomer) of the Year Dun really pay attention to who's a newb or vet Best thread of the Year 1st. Cosplay 2nd. street fighter III 3rd. I dunno one of the other stupid / funny ones Best review/rant of the Year I never read the reviews or rants... edit in -> I tottally mispelled Klaws name
  5. I Know What They Are But They Just Have A Strange Name IMO. And Nice Sig, And Here's A Suggestion, Get That Little White Thing Off The Side. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a little mess up I don't feel like fixing right now
  6. I'm a pretty simple guy: blue jeans cuffed of course white or black shirt creepers or all-stars. white or black wife beaters in the summer. I am partial to blue and black dickies, and I have a lot of bowling shirts too. my hair grease is the most important thing though. black and white brand just like elvis
  7. I was going to reply, but you pretty much hit the nail on the head. They get paid far more than anyone who really contributes to society, to do something millions of people do for fun, and they've got the self control of a street thug. Not all of them are that bad, I'm sure, but the situation is ridiculous. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> they act like street thugs cuz most of them are street thugs. I remember when a gangta type like spreewell or iverson stood out on a team like a white dude. now the whole team looks like boyz in da hood.
  8. meh, I'll take a million dollar crash in burnout any day over tweaking cambers on a celica.
  9. I've never had much use for thanksgiving. it's pretty much hell day. to start, off to my wifes parents house for lunch, after that over to my sisters for a mid afternoon meal. gotta stop by my moms too. I'll be in the car most of the day..........
  10. LOL that's the same thing people said 15 years ago when I started watching mospedia and macross. anime wil never be popular here ther is too much nerd stigma attached to it.
  11. hope the fans got in some good shots. I would love to kick a pro ballers ass. 7 figures to throw a ball through a hoop and they can't even act right.
  12. not too exited about THE PUNISHER...errr I mean max payne movie. damn you'd figure Marvel would be a little mad about the blatent rip-off.
  13. I got mine mostly free. I traded in like 10 old psx games after my psx broke. man I remember feeling like my pc was hot then.....lol
  14. the first aftermarket gfx card I ever got was a voodoo 3 2000, that's actually pretty cool. looks like crap...but pretty cool for those darkages voodoo hangers-on.
  15. well I we are talking OG star wars ep (4 - 6 right?) then star wars wins. but if you even consider adding the newer star wars then lord of the rings wins. the last 2 star wars ruined it for me.
  16. And it should be like that old psx die hard game. when you ran fools over the wind shield was covered in blood then the wind shield wipers would kick in
  17. I've been running a 8+ month old build for so long I hardly ever use it so I figured no need to update. but I guess now is the time!
  18. I've never really been a big GT fan. and I gave it plenty of chances, I owned all of them including the gt 4 teaser. I guess I am just not fast or furious enough. I would like a GT type game with all old muscle cards and hot rods. not just a token mustang or vette. I wanna build and drag a rodded shoebox ford, or a chopped '32 5 window coupe. that soulds like a game I'd never get bored of.
  19. yeah I will try that, thanks. like I said I'd solder it in but I don't have an iron and don't really know how to solder. anyone know of a general soldering faq? if I had the cash I'd just get a new xenium ICE with solderless adapter....
  20. whoa I hadn't even heard of that! gotta get it! edit in-> it's not up on suprnova yet.....
  21. Actually the cheapest Steam (Bronze) is 5 dollars less than the normal retail. It's extremely costly to run Steam so that's why the prices is what it is. But the main reason it's not at a lower price is that Vivendi won't allow them to sell for cheap otherwise it would be a breach of their contract since it would take sales away from them. well I would rather the bulk of my money go to Valve and not Vivendi. so if I do end up with some free cash I'll get it on steam, does it come as something you can burn? like an iso or zip or whatever? I am not paying for a program I can't back up
  22. I've had my matrix and v1 xbox for ever now. but I am having a problem now. sometimes when I turn on my xbox I get teh 3x power on/off then frag. I look in the side and see my matrix is still lit green. usually if I lift up the xbox on the left side an inch or two and then let it drop I will boot up fine after that. so I figure my matrix isn't contacting the points solidly. I have realigned my chip and tightened and loosened the screw to see if it helps nothing helps. any suggestions? I heard someone hot glued thiers in but that sounds suspect to me. I'd just solder it if I knew how and had the tools available.
  23. the post above hit the nail on the head I'd just add: APPS: boxplorer (it comes in handy if you use evox as a dash, for poking around in your harddrive. I actually used boxplorer to install evox when I first started.) the dongle free dvd player I can't remember the name. hehe Dash: Evox: is what most use and there is pleny of help avail. for it Avalaunch: is prolly 2nd most used and features faster ftp transfers if used with qwix. xbox media center: (it can also be used as the dash) if you are into online games you may wanna get xbconnect too.
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