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Everything posted by Inky

  1. If I were going to buy it. (I'm not I am broke ) it's alittle disapointing that steam costs the same as going to the store and buying it. you'd figure for not getting a disc or manuel or even a cool little box. they could knock a few bucks off the price. not to mention the download time, I'm guessing between 6 and 8 hours on cable. it only takes me 10 minutes to get to best buy..... if valve really wanted steam to work they'd give a bit of incentive to it's users
  2. I've been a slave to cigs for 12 years, and if this thing came to the USA I'd give it a try as a way to quit. gums and patches don't take care of the hand and mouth habits. I could see a patch and this working together to handle all the cravings.
  3. yeah I think the review was bias. CFJ might not be the be all end all 2d fighter but I love capcom and I love SF so I am gonna get it if and when it comes to billbox (I heard a while back that it was *fingers crossed*) by the way anyone get the SF anniversary for xbox that came out in Japan and was swiftly recalled for not having region lockouts.
  4. so the faces run raw for the next four weeks...... everyone of them will challange for the title and we get to see HHH beat em all down with "harley race like knees" flair freaking out all over the place everytime a face gets the upper hand. maybe he'll go late wcw and strip down and give his rolex an elbow drop. *wishes david flair and that goth chick would show up*
  5. a death sentance here in CA is just a life sentance. if he's given the gas chamber he'll spend years in appeals. and die naturally or at the hands of another convict long before he gets transfered to San Quintan for those final days before the long walk.
  6. rumors of sting in wwe have been going around for a long time. I heard he did some TNA shows. I'd love to see the old style sting (not the crow wannabe) to make a return somewhere. the crow gimick has run it's course imo. If sting came to wwe Benoit would have to give up his lame version of the sharpshooter and benjamin would have to give up his poor mans stinger splash. heheh.
  7. what?! I am just saying if laci peterson gets this kind of attention shouldn't the prostitute that got killed in an ally get the same.
  8. exactly, women are killed every day (unfortunatly) why are they not deservant (is that a word) of all the media attention.
  9. I think if you really counted from the beginning in every promotion he's been in it would at least be double that. and every match was just chops and backdrops....
  10. ok I see you know nothing of what goes on when cameras are not rolling in the wwe. HHH is married to the bosses daughter. he basicly runs WWe through his connection to the boss he also has major booking clout, basicly he does what he wants. he gets his matches the way he wants them with who he wants. that's why he always wrestles his buddy HBK. that's why he always has the title. Watch 10 or 15 HHH matches straight and tell me he is better then the other superstars. you will find the same match with the same spots every damn time. when vince retires bet HHH will take over the WWE. now if you wanna know what happens when you have a major superstar running things just look at WCW. it was run by Hogan , Nash, and Flair and a few wcw vets like Sting. Sure these guys always had good matches. but did anyone else? not nearly as often?
  11. as far as I know brock is still a big crybaby who can't handle the wwe schedule. I think he is still a minisota viking
  12. damn I thought this thread was about was about the warner bros cartoon "Animaniacs" best cartoon intro song line ever: "Animaniacs, there's bolagna in our slacks"
  13. maybe after the first price cut and the liberary fleshes out some. somehow I can't get exited about mario 64 again..... if the psp had a better battery life I wouldn't even be considering a ds.
  14. that reminds me, you know who could save wwe right now? bring back SCOTT HALL. "hey yo" never gonna happen tho........
  15. how about Kerry stubbing his big toe for a purple heart?
  16. yeah it would be nice to have the hardyz back and put edge and christian back together too. they were hilarious when they did the photo op. gimic. the dudley, hardy, Edge and christian matches were the best.
  17. I agree, I never liked the brand roster thing. smackdown has always got the shorter end of the stick. combine the roster and trim the fat (bye-bye lamers and geezers) and things would be looking up.
  18. last time rock wrastled he sucked hard. time away from the ring is bad mm-kay. let Jericho loose, give Kane some decent storylines, tell Flair and HBK to hang it up, and get Orton Edge Richards and Christian some decent matches and WWE will be watchable again.
  19. then it would be 90's wcw all over again, no thanks
  20. motorola i60c it suxxx no games, no ring tones, no nothing...... I wanna get a (cheap) picture phone so I can send pics from the road to my friends and family.
  21. man what have I missed? oh well if K want's to leave for that whatever. why make a big deal out of it tho. just stop posting.
  22. wwe is so boring I haven't even watched it in months. I used to be a huge wwe fan I've always hated booker. only Jericho can save wwe, but they won't give him the ball to run with. let jericho loose and get rid of the geezers (HBK & flair come to mind) and we might get somewhere.
  23. it would be like playing super mario world on the atari 2600
  24. well I just stopped at home for the weekend and look what I find! changes to 1emu well after 2 weeks solid on the road I can say that if you live in the southwest, south, or pacific northwest, along a major freeway (I-10, I-40, I-5) I've been to your town, and let me tell you, does your town suck Funniest thing to happen so far. I was going to deliver in Richmond CA but I passed it. so I get off the freeway to turn back and find myself on some tiny street in Berkley. with nowhere to turn around So I had to drive that big ass truck down narrow residential streets at 4 in the morning I'm sure the locals were happy with me. anyways it's a hi and bye thing. I am off back east in a few hours. not to happy about going back east I hear it's a pain out there with low overpasses and hella toll roads.
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