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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I was a little disappointed in Fable. I think Morrowind comes closer to what Fable was going for than Fable itself. :\ but still for a brainless ACTION RPG it's ok. better then baulders gate dark alliance IMO. Xbox needs a real classic console style RPG, you don't have to reinvent the wheel damnit.
  2. I've been watching this one for a while. so yeah I am gonna get it. I hope its real "chop-socky" style. heheheh
  3. mom all the way. my dad can fry or be turned into a lamp shade or somethin.
  4. anyone heard anything on the status of chanka? it hasn't been updated in a while. I am really hoping for a new ver. with the layer issues fixed.
  5. sounds like it would work. I'd try but I am too busy with Fable and teh Sims 2
  6. I just got SP2 installed so I am good. thanx for the news GC.
  7. I've only got stuff from lik-sang so I can't say anything about play asia. I was happy with lik-sang but it's hard for me to justify paying overseas shipping. heheh
  8. thanks guys, unfortunatly I couldn't get it to resume in a different client. so I just started it over. it seems to be going pretty damn fast in azureus though I uninstalled shareaza. I don't think I have ever finished downloading anything with it. heheh. and I think I have my spyware handled thanks GC!
  9. ok shareaza is locking up all the time. and I have a bittorrent download I want to switch to another download app like azuras(sp) or bittorrent++. is it possible to resume the download in another program or will I have to start the whole file over again? I have over a gig already and don't feel like starting over. on a side note, does anyone know of a good spy ware and anti virus program that catches and removes everything? ad-aware and AVG aren't getting rid of all my spyware.
  10. thanks K` no special tricks? heheheh I'll try it tonight.
  11. ok so I have something I wanna burn it is in cue sub ccd & image files. how should I burn it? I have daemon, alcohal120, nero 6, hotburn and roxio. I really don't feel like getting any other burning software. any help?
  12. lol only if you could play as a oompa loompa
  13. I collect art. on paper, canvas, digital, and in my skin. I also collect tattoo shop t-shirts.
  14. fav character: Wolverine / Ghostrider fav villian: Magneto Fav Movie: The Crow worst movie: Tie, Capt America and The Punisher, both from the late 80's early ninties exited about: I dunno nothing really, maybe xmen 3 if they go to more comic related costumes, fire jackmen and hire danzig, and have cable and bishop in it.
  15. GTA of course. you start out really playing but get distracted real quick. heheh I also just mess around with Morrowind and the tony hawk games. I can't wait to goof around in fable!!! Gryph I tryed to kill everyone too. heheh I started at seyda need and cleared everyone out to balmora, then decided to start a new game.
  16. heheh everything has went well at school. in a week or so I go out with a trainer for 6 weeks before I get my own truck. unless i find something better between now and then. heheheh
  17. hey guys s'up? just got in from sacramento truck driving acadamy! Just popping in to say hi! I'll be around for about a week until I hit the road with my trainer. what the hell has been going on in the emu scene the last 4 weeks? heheh
  18. well I won't be around much anymore so I just wanted to say later to everyone here at 1emu, special shoutouts to the IRC guys! I am starting a new career and will be on the road alot. I may be around this weekend but I leave for training on monday morning. after that it will be real hit or miss. I'll check in on IRC and here whenever I get a chance but I don't know how often that will be. next time one of those big rigs cuts you off on the freeway don't cuss em out cuz it might be me.
  19. What else can you lable it as? a piece of crap.
  20. that one sounds like it hit you alittle to close to home j/k
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