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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Group X - Mario Twins if you guys haven't heard it, download it now!
  2. get the Og unreal tournament for 15 bucks, download hella maps and skins and have twice the fun.
  3. If I could destroy something I would have to go with the Department of Motor Vehicles offices. standing in line all day to be told a pickup truck is a commercial vehicle sux.
  4. I never invert. if it's on be default i change it, if I can't change it then the disc becomes a frisbee.
  5. lol. someone said at the beginning of this thread jack black could make a guitar with the ring and wail...... if black gets his way I garentee it will happen. Jack black is so lame. he should have just stuck to the "tenatious d" thing and left acting to the professionals. vin diesel as MegaMan?! only if his dog can turn into same riced out, fast and furious, honda civic.
  6. I never liked the green lantern, most DC characters in general are lame. exept lobo. funny thing: I was talking with my friend about comic book movies and he sayed the xmen movies were the best, bah! I countered with the Blade series. and he refused to believe that Blade was a comic character. we argued for 30 minutes before I finally popped in the DVD and showed him the credits.
  7. SNKP sure has a leather Chaps fetish don't they? uggh.... clarks 2p reminds me of the kick boxing dude in dead or alive.
  8. I am really pissed that I have insomnia. it's damn near 3 in the morning, I am supposed to be up at 7 to go looking for some crap job that I am over qualified for. this sux teh a$$!!11 and I am damn near out of cigarettes!! arrghh. kids, don't ever take up smoking. it's bad for you and your stress level will rise sharply when you only have 2 cigarettes and there isn't a store for 30 miles that is open. If I wasn't under enough stress already I'd try to quit.
  9. I learned stick on a 74 MG midget. it was awesome that car is sooo light. I was a bit tall for it then. now I doubt I could even get into one.
  10. I am pissed that I can't find anything to do right now and I am bored out of my skull.
  11. stick no automatic can compare with the control you get with a stick shift. now for every day stop and go driving. I'd rather have an automatic.
  12. that's totally fair. everyone should choose thier console on the games available. I myself don't see anything exclusive to sony that get's me exited lately. and imagine if sony were alone in the game buisness. we'd get alot more crap and less great games. kinda how the WWE is getting worse with out WCW and ECW threatening their lead. no competition = lax creative departments.
  13. it's any company's job to hype and talk smack about the competition. start to create a buzz. I don't remember but I am sure sony took part in the same propaganda before the launch of PS1 and PS2. If a company has the balls and believes in thier product enough to go on record with those kinds of statements, to me that's worth something.
  14. being on the job hunt pisses me off. running all over town to apply for jobs I don't really want just to land something sux.
  15. I agree but you'll always get the "everything for free" types in emulation. god forbid an alpha release doesn't work perfectly.
  16. keep hating. M$ will do just as well if not better in the next round. go ahead and say the same boring crap that was said when M$ first entered the console market. and the same negative crap that was said when sony first entered the console market, if anyone remembers that. every one said sony could never compete with the big N and Sega. and look at them now. Sony (and M$) is not immune to the same fate.
  17. in this order: 2d fighters Adventure RPG 3d fighters Shooters
  18. either or.... doesn't redoctane cost more?
  19. hell, join gamefly for 20 something bucks a month and get a few games at a time with out leaving home. half the price of blockbuster and twice the selection.
  20. or local video store and fat hdd!
  21. works pretty damn good for me. especially for an alpha. the layer issue is the only real problem I have.
  22. I'd say newsgroups for new releases. suprnova.com and irc as an alternative. not that I'd engage in piracy tho
  23. that would be awesome!!! I hope the chanka team can pull it off. but hopefully they fix the layer issues first
  24. I was looking up xbox emulation and stumbled onto the xbox forum. from there I creeped over to current affairs. ya know I have never been to the main site.... heheh is there anything there?
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