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Everything posted by Inky

  1. well going off what I have heard and read I say WoW. although I am sure Evercrack 2 will be extremely popular. another round of dorks killing people over scorned online romance, and dehydrated, soiled, nerds dieing at their PCs!! yay
  2. nothing is really making me antsy right now. I have a full plate of games to get through and I can wait for the us releases of SF:aniversary, and kof:mi
  3. well I gotta say halo. before that I loved the first unreal tourn. and half life. other then that I never really got into fps. Hopefully HL2, doom 3 and halo 2 will be good enough to reel me in.
  4. exactly give spidey the simbiot(sp) suit and at the end have him ditch it cuz of it's control issues spiderman 4 have brock get it and we havve venom!!!
  5. so my 16 year old nephew was just making fun of me for buying 15 dollar walmart shoes. I was trying to explain to him how I grew up skating and into punk so aside from a doc martin fetish. I have never spent more then 40 bucks on shoes. converse all-stars and old skool vans are all I have worn for years outside of work where I wear the aformentioned doc martins. so the question is are you an expensive shoe person or a cheap shoe person? can you go to pay-less and be happy or do you need the latest $150 pair of nikes?
  6. looking at a bright monitor reading this small text can't help.
  7. holy sh$& no you didn't!!!!!!!!!! nice knowin ya pal anyways I usually just take whatever and drink hella water. turn out the lights and shut off the noisemakers (tv stereo winamp) most times you get a (normal) headache is from begining dehydration. hence the hella water.
  8. dude i am 29, gonna be 30 in december. but I don't feel old. I still go to punk shows and get right in the front. still play games like I was 11 to lol. and Klaw is right. I'm married with kids. I get down on the floor and play lego with em' being old doesn't mean you have to "be old" heheh
  9. I love that sales pitch: "0v3rcl0ck yu0r BR3AKFA5T!!!11!!"
  10. I am all for the drinking holidays! new years, memorial day, labor day, the 4th, cinco de whateva! it's all good, but add fireworks to the mix and the fun rises in direct corilation(sp) to the chance for injury to friends via bottle rocket. I'm gonna try hard to convince someone to do the "jackass" bottle rocket attached to wang thing heheheheheheh.
  11. w00t! my favorite holiday. it's all about beer, bbq, and fireworks!! Me and my brother in law got some kick ass stuff this year. and enough bottle rockets % black cats to take over a 3rd world country. The Desert burns tonight!!
  12. screeners are what the movie makers send out to the acadamy and whatnot.
  13. heheh I never did try mr. t cereal. I wasn't a big mr. t a-team fan. but I'd guess it tasted like cap'n crunch.
  14. what are some sites that you just have to visit on a regular basis? heres some of mine. penny-arcade on mon wed and fri homestarrunner on mon (always looking forward to strongbad e-mails) somethingawful on wed and fri wrestlecrap once or twice a week lordsofpain everyday for wrestling news 1emulation every day multiple times a day of course. I've been visiting these sites faithfully literally for years exept here at 1emu, less then a year.
  15. well fatal did you get it? make sure to post a pic!
  16. Dooz: that is the most disturbing avatar I have ever seen. as for your problem. yeah update them drivers. maybe try that 3danalyzer thingy.
  17. seen it today, yeah it rox. I really don't wanna see hobgoblin as the next main villian tho, maybe a side villian. I agree with captian fuku, the actess who plays MJ is a dog. I had blocked her out of my memory of the first movie. the teasers for Blade 3 and I-Robot looked hot.
  18. yeah take it easy, we'll be here when you get time. heheheh
  19. cap'n crunch, all the monster ones, you know count chocula, boo berry, and my favorite frankinberry, lucky charms and when I don't want too sweet, I go with raisen bran or honey nut cheerio's.
  20. cuz Weirdanzeige made me think of it I dug out my old: love and rockets - so alive
  21. yeah me too. when I had my saturn it came with the model 1 controller but I soon imported a white model 2 and never looked back (well untill I sold my saturn....stupid i know..... and got a psx) I'll be getting one or two of these! I just wish sega would put out xbox and ps2 versions. although it shouldn't be hard to convert it to xbox.
  22. oh its like a homebrew compilation? if so I don't think those work in chanka. I hear the compilation with sf3 & cvs2 doesn't work yet. get the iso for just ikaruga. it's pretty small.
  23. I had a SMS. it was pretty cool but it got stolen and I got a NES as a replacement. I still miss my SMS tho.
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