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Everything posted by Inky

  1. right. unless you have a samsung 604(?) with a firmware update.
  2. The Cramps - human fly Groovie Ghoulies - bye bye brain
  3. vannessa damnit! every game should have a hot boxing chick
  4. true or a fast and furious honda. lol quick robin, to the slammed purple honda civic with obnoxious exhaust pipe, er i mean the batmobile
  5. Now listen to that for 26 hours straight. that's how fools die in internet cafes! heheh the cure - boys don't cry the smiths - girl afraid feeling the brit meloncolly today
  6. here we go again with the SNK!!! CAPCOM!!! and then fatal will come spill VF4 fanboy juice all over the carpet. heheh anyways Capcom all the way with SNK at a very close second.
  7. hey guys, the move sucked. not done yet either. GAH! anyways scarecrow sounds very "superfriends" to me heheheh was scarecrow even a major comic villian?
  8. it wasn't a caddy it was a concept oldsmobile modified by Barris. and it was the best batmobile hands down. all the movie cars bite.
  9. yeah I'd say at this stage it is prolly your graphics card. have you updated your drivers? hopefully a newer more compatable version of chanka comes out soon. you know decent radeon and geforce cards can be had for between 75 to 100 bucks.
  10. is it fragging? (red and green flashing light on the eject button) or is it doing something else. post exactly what your light is doing when you turn it on. I doubt it is from being on all night. my xbox has been on for about a week straight with no problems or overheating.
  11. don't know if this will help you but what I do is change my desktop to 800x600 16bit color, run 3danalyzer with "force SW TnL" and "force 16bit zbuffer (without stencil)" and chanka runs decently even with my built in intel gfx card. soon I'll get around to installing my geforce fx 5200 in my xp machine, but untill then it runs "ok" heheh. If I don't do those things chanka locks right after the swirl and changes my desktop to 640x480 16 colors and I have to restart.
  12. well I've never had a dedicated mp3 player. but if you want cheap get a discman with mp3 playback. they are as low as 50 bucks USD and a cd holds hella mp3s. I've got 5 full albums on one cd. the only downside is burning cds. instead of on the fly replacement of music. but I find 3 or 4 cds with 4 to 6 albums on each one is more then enough to get you through any trip. oh and my batteries last about 40 hours on average. not bad IMO.
  13. why not? are they perfect? an army is made up of individuls, and a good pecentage of the people the military attracts are the testosterone fueled bullies, who would do such things. if the austrailian army is free of opertunistic bullies. good for you guys! but I don't buy it. and the USA isn't trying to raise an empire. if that were the case it would make much more sense to take bordering countries and grow outwards a US state halfway across the world in a god forsaken desert doesn't make sense. and would never be safe. Is the US trying to secure it's influance in the middle east? Of course it is. edit in: i've got a plane to catch, i'll talk to you guys when i get to AZ. hopefully by then all this political stuff is out of your systems @ random: no hard feelings mate. just lively debate.
  14. NEWS FLASH!!! every army tortures POWs!!!! don't belive it. find a pow from any war on any side and ask em. no one said it was right. it just is. we all undersand your hatrid for the USA. you spread it across 2 threads like butter. whateva. but to say "you americans blah blah blah" and not think the rest of the worlds army's including the aussies in iraq have not and would not do the same is just f*cking stupid.
  15. you don't think the axis or allied bombed hospitals? the koreans and viatnamise never bombed or sabataged us medcal facilities or convoys? in a perfect world no. if you wanna dream that honorable "civilized" (your condesending tone is not lost on me) countries won't kill civilians or bomb hospital. so be it. but it happens. and has for 100s of years.
  16. the US bombed stuff cuz that's what you do in a war. the propaganda was to help all the bleeding heart hippies in the world to sleep better at night. there is a saying "War is hell" well, guess what. it's true. I already know what you are gonna say: "what gives them the right?" A big frickin stick gives them the right. what gave the the allies the right to reduce berlin to rubble? what gave the axis the right to bomb the sh*t out of london? war sucks! civilians die! the winner doesn't always do "whats right" suck it up. that's life. it's never gonna change.
  17. come on is this buck rogers? there is no satillite that can see through hospital walls or 100 feet of dirt rocks and concrete. if there were then we wouldn't have the landmine problem that we do in eastern europe, and asia. that is propaganda. and it is a normal part of war.
  18. ditto, you can get a dc and a grip of games on ebay for about 40 to 50 bucks. there's really no exuse not to own a DC.
  19. iraq has known about our WMD jonez for years. it's not hard to get rid of stuff with that kinda head start. I'm just playing devils advocate here. I'm just saying if I were saddam and I knew the US was going to be looking for my crap you can be damn sure they wouldn't find it. it's already a known fact that there is a maze of underground tunnels all over iraq. not to mention they could just bury the crap in the desert and we'd never find it. did the un sanction shovels and back-hoes? not even mentioning the network of saddam sympathisers could have easily moved anything to anywhere they want. that's been proven in the way they smuggled saddam his sons and high ranking officials for months before we started to catch up to them. remember wmd doesn't mean a huge nuke. suitcase sized chemical or biological bombs are what we are talking about here.
  20. geez you guys can't get enough can you. I just wanna say if I had something illegal and you sayed you were gonna come get it. then months later you started looking down the street form me. I can garandamntee by the time you got to my house whatever you were looking for would be gone. prolly someplace you already looked. that's just common f*cking sense. if there are wmd there (I am not saying there are.) it's not hard to hide them in a whole f*cking country, with a relatively small force looking for them.
  21. Yeah, it does that for a few fight scenes. I think the name Ryo Sakazaki is place holder because I saw atleast 3 seperate fighters using that name. maybe ryo is training under Shang sun from MK and now he can transform into any other fighter!! anyways no vanessa, no money from garage
  22. hey maybe you know my Dr. he's indian. you could get me a deal on my co-pays!!! (Klaw I'm just messin' it just sounded funny you knew him cuz he was indian)
  23. That reminds me...I dunno about you all, but I've always had a hard time pulling off the QCF x 2 motion when facing right on a joystick... ...and I can't play Project Justice for the life of me on a stick, whereas MVC2 (capcoms stress reliever game) is strictly stick for me... it all comes from where you started. I started in the arcade so sticks are no big deal to me. after a few rounds I am back 100% now I can tell you as an OG sms, nes, pce, and genesis owner it took me over a year to get used to shoulder buttons. I still hate to use them in a fighting game. I always move the weak punch and kick to the shoulders. and never ever use the left shoulder buttons unless I have to.
  24. Buddy Holly - you won't matter any more the blasters - white cadillac
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