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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I have 3 wisdom teeth (2 on bottom 1 on top) the one on top doesn't bother me at all but the 2 bottoms never came all the way in. they crowded my bottom teeth and get infected once a year for the last 10 years. take my advice. if you have a chance to rid yourself of these foul abominations do it.
  2. no hello kitty an dhamtaro do suck. I was joking about those. but macross and mospeada are good you should check em out if you can. I never see em on suprnova tho.
  3. including hello kitty and hamtaro?! heh if you wanna check out a great older anime series check out Macross. the movies were good too. basicly anything with the macross name. and mospeada was good too. both these and the ultra lame southern cross were combined for robotech in the usa. but robotech doesn't follow the story of macross and mospeada well.
  4. evil double post from teh super mod!?!? heheh anyways I say for the sf2 series: super street fighter 2: the new challengers. for the alpha series: street fighter alpha 2 and for the sf3 series: 3rd strike
  5. bouncing souls - east coast, F#ck you face to face - ordinary
  6. the ps2 version has been announced for late july. the xbox version is TBA. but gamespot has it as september.
  7. guys this isn't really going anywhere. what is a small forum of emulation nuts going to do about it? all this is doing is creating underlying anamosity. and if I hear "you americans" one more time I am gonna friggin snap.
  8. mortal Kombat was the only good game movie. van helsing is an ok movie to game. this sort of goes with comics and movies. they're rarely ever good either. and god forbid you get a comic to movie to game series. thats the worst
  9. get daemon tools. you can mount the image then use copy cd in whaterver proggy you like. works for me every time.
  10. www.streetfightercontroller.com they only show a shadow of it with a countdown to release. but it looks to be like the old DC ascii fighter pads. which is good. some cool flash ani on there for some of the street fighter characters too.
  11. yea it says not only was a "rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off" but I was enjaged in said rotflma with such furver extra letters were added at semi-random.
  12. LOL! You're wild fatal, I like you though. This coming from the guy who's made 2 polls about Not to mention that "hot chick with a husband and 2 kids. Fatal you're full of shitake mushrooms! rotflmaoatsisfcmfc True ........True.
  13. you have to be married to have sex? that is more religious tradition. so it doesn't mean much to your average person. Well if you think about it it's a good thing cuz there's so many girls geeting pregnant with no baby's daddy, especially at my school. Plus not to mention all the incurable stds going around. I agree, if people waited untill marriage things would be alot better. I'm just saying that your average joe / betty doesn't follow the rules layed down by religion.
  14. you have to be married to have sex? that is more religious tradition. so it doesn't mean much to your average person.
  15. well marriage has advantages that aren't available to non married people (taxs, support upon divorce ect.) should gay people not be able to get those advantages if they are willing to take the crap that goes with them? of course they should. but is it natural to do? and does it fit the "spirit of marriage? No. admit it or not marriage is something created by religion. and expressly forbids same sex marriage. further more, why do gays want to get married anyways? if not for said advantages. millions of straight and gay couples are happy just being together with out the label of marriage. I know plenty of straight and gay people who have "commitment cerimonies" and that's fine for them.
  16. I used to LOVE DHC - and I bought all their albums! they're great aren't they? I have all their stuff too, as far as I know. right now I am listening to: Mojo Nixon - tie my P*cker to my leg followed by: Mojo Nixon - are you drinkin' with me jesus?
  17. untill the batteries on my discman died I was listening to Dance Hall Crashers - honey I'm Homely (Album)
  18. here we go again. for hardcore gamers, playing games hard core IS FUN!
  19. what's your chinese zodiac sign? go here if you don't know. I was born in the year of the tiger. and the discription creepily fits me well.
  20. well as I've sayed before I play to win and if I can't win then I learn something from the match. so I guess your post doesn't apply to me. I don't hit the competitions to much anymore. mainly cuz real life gets in the way. you know: wife, kids, jobs, and other outside interests keep me from the arcade.
  21. I think thats the cherry poppin' daddies. not the squirl nut zippers. I got both bands cds. elvis presley - mystery train townes van zant - pancho and lefty no, I have both versions of that song, and I've also heard a 3rd band - 'Royal Crown Revue'cover that song. I think it was a famous old swing song. heh I'll have to look for those. as i love RCR. Dropkick Murphys - good rats Marty Robbins - el paso city
  22. yeah but it sounds about right to me. seeing as sony is always pressuring publishers for exlusivity (sp) every one needs to buy this one (no pirating) capcom snk and sammy need our support!
  23. that would be awesome but the release date according to gamestop for the xbx version is september so it looks like ps2 gets a 2 month head start. although I know release dates aren't set in stone! I hope we get an early release.
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