I know thats a cheat code but what does it do? I dun remember. it was a stratagy game tho. if you but in "all your base are belong to us" you instantly won. and if you put in "someone set us up the bomb" you instantly lost.
I think thats the cherry poppin' daddies. not the squirl nut zippers. I got both bands cds. elvis presley - mystery train townes van zant - pancho and lefty
Saddam had to be taken out. if you don't agree thats cool. how it's being handled now is debatable. and I don't agree with it. but I do agree with taking saddam out of power. if iraq doesn't want democracy then we are waisting our time there. but if the country truely wants to be free then we have to stay and help them achive that.
I don't think anyone is bashing you k'dash. everyone feels strongly about this stuff one way or another. that's why I've stayed out of this till now. cuz I don't want any hard feeling here on the board. and that's all this thread is gonna create. I just get tired of all teh bush bashing. everyone forgets what he did during 9-11. his approval was through the roof. every war time presadent is unpopular. but in hindsight they are always thought of as good leaders.
yep that's the way I feel. when you're the main man in your country. then you can make those choices, and we can all live in a happy peaceful world. and all the bush bashers can go to hell. war or not (I don't agree with iraq) he did what no one else wanted to do when 9-11 broke. he, and dudes like him (mayor guiliani) pulled up thier bootstraps and got the job done. be glad it wasn't al gore.
my favorite line in that dialog has always been "someone set us up the bomb" heheh. I say it all the time when something goes wrong, my non internet friends look at with the fish eye! heheheh
cool. I'm leaving in a few days for arizona. florida is ok, but it can't compare to the south west in my eyes. desert nights rock. Desert days.not so much
wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle. I remember once during a Habitat for Humanity build we saw this low rider bicycle with coke cans in its spokes. It was so flocking ghetto and hilarious. We didn't dare yell out anything or we might have been shot, we were in a rough neighborhood. there used to be this kid in high school who had a ghetto lowrider trike. and in the basket between the back wheels he had a crappy radio shack boom box duck taped in there. flocking hilarious cruizin around bumpin young mc and jazzy jeff and the fresh prince!! he was hard core
I rather not!! Imagine riding in a 60's car listening to the radio while u go about killing people with your tommy gun. *shudder* exactly. it sounds cooler to me then cruizin and impala with an uzi and a jerry curl
well technicly the Virtua Fighter RPG, VF: cyber generation could be considered shenmue 3. since shenmue 1 was originally gonna be a VFrpg. so there! we can all go with that idea and feel better about sega.