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Everything posted by Inky

  1. a denny's salad, medium rare prime rib, lobster tail, baked potato, a lime and a 6 pack of corona.
  2. all the comments against sony were sayed when they enterd the console market. sony has a lot of money to make sure this thing succeeds. they won't just release it and see what happens. they'll be in for the fight. Nintendo's system looks better to me. I like the flip setup cuz it protects the screen when it's boucing around in your backpack and stuff. nintendo also has an installed user base with the compatability. I think this one is gonna come down to games. (doesn't it always)
  3. that's at the bottom of the page I refranced. here's the whole article: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/05/12/news_6097766.html
  4. remember it's still in development. hopefully they just used old sprites to build up the game. they are redrawing darkstalker sprites for sammy vs capcom, maybe they'll import those. and ryu better have his SF3 straight kick!
  5. here's all I've found out about segas "huge" announcement.: 2 things. 1: Sega, You Suck! 2: Sega, kudos for making the whole game industry rumor mill go bonkers over NOTHING!!!!!11!!!1oneoneoneone!
  6. wow this is really cool. Capcom is heating up again! although I am not to partial to t-rexs in fighting games......... Only bad thing is with the announce on sf3 on xbox I figured I wouldn't need to get another ps2 to replace my dead one. guess I was wrong. someone find a link to the trailer on a site with no signup!!
  7. How are you gonna hate on your own canadian people tom green? tom green is an idiot. the stupidest scene in a movie: every scene in fast and furious. most scarring: every scene in fast and furious.
  8. fired! sued! jumped by nameless thugs outside his house! shanked in the dunken donuts from behind! it's all to good for him. not only is it unacceptable that he picked on a disabled kid. but he is supposed to be a rolemodel for the kids in your school.
  9. me to, just red X. I use photobucket. it's free and they don't mind if you link to the pics.
  10. i hate punk becuase they all sound the same........i especailly hate weird al i hate i so much..arrggg you aren't listening to real punk then, if you think it all sounds the same. and when I say wierd al I mean they aren't straight word for word covers. I dunno whateva. and since all you sayed you liked was "rock" I'm gonna venture to guess half of it is watered down punk and if you look up your favorite bands influences they name punk bands. anyways I say again: PUNK IS NOT BLINK182 / GOOD CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!!!11!!
  11. what is a song that you love but that is really out of character for you? that you wouldn't let your friends catch you listening to. Mine are Dashboard Confessional - again I go unnoticed Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down My image is pretty set and these songs go against everything I dig. But I just love them.
  12. ill nino is friggin awesome , there my favorite band Weirdanzeige i think you listen to them there hispanic , its nothing like that other stuff vamos a bailar! the koolest hispanic band around is manic hispanic. they do "wierd al" type remakes of punk songs. and they are a real blast live. to see these real Vato style dudes punking out and talking smack to the crowd is awesome. Warning: if you don't know punk rock then alot of their songs won't be familier.
  13. oh man I lived in long beach for years. and let me tell you it sux! the whole damn city is ghetto. but if that's what you like I guess LBC would be heaven. heheh. the only good thing about long beach is jesse james / west coast choppers.
  14. the DS looks pretty cool. Finally 4 face buttons! I woulda liked a side shot to se teh thickness and if it has triggers.
  15. If I could live anywhere with no worries of cash and employment then either Japan or england. If it had to be in the states then prolly either ventura county in socal or washington state. if I have to worry about employment, then anywhere I can get a decent job and have enough side tattoo work.
  16. I usually stay up till past 6am. I went to bed at 10am this morning. I have a bad case of insomnia and never got used to east coast time. soon enough I'll be back out west and it should get better.
  17. yeah I don't think she's well known yet. I seen her in maxim, stuff or FHM. don't remember since they are all the same. but I got an evox skin of her. she's not to shabby
  18. I thin I see (o)(o)'s in there?!?!?! heheh. anyways co-op is fun when the game is right. in 3d I think it's kinda hard with out using a split screen which I hate. side scrollers are perfect cuz you can be on the same screen the recent lord of the rings pulled off co-op pretty well. @antiwinner: yes spike out has been announced as a live title hopefully they'll add system link too. so can play it on xbconnect!
  19. Complete list of cps-3 games from cps-2 shock: JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken / JoJo's Venture JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Street Fighter III Street Fighter III, 2nd Impact Street Fighter III, 3rd Strike Warzard / Red Earth you can see screen and stuff here scroll to the bottom for the cps-3 games.
  20. Never herd of that game. tessa from svc: chaos was from warzard. I've never seen it in an arcade. just some screen shots. warzards is also known as red earth.
  21. prican25, do you have a version of the latest build with banned rom support? if so let me know when you post it to newsgroups please! edit in=> could you post it with the banned roms in the zip? about half of mine don't work with fbaxxx and I haven't had any luck finding working ones. I'd really appreciate it!!
  22. Warzard and the JoJo's bizzare adventure games. mokado and q were in 3rd strike.
  23. you could mount the iso with daemon tools then burn it with any program you like.
  24. that's not bad. I've owned all those consoles exept the jaguar. plus nes snes genesis and sms. I just don't keep old systems for some reason. I always sell em, exept my DC I've never gotten rid of that.
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