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Everything posted by Inky

  1. pretty swank! I'd drop by if I ever went down under. sadly I prolly never will. I couldn't stand being on a plane that long (20+ hours uggh) and in my travel rankings I have england, japan, and western europe to hit first.
  2. I don't even wanna think about the minimum system requirements
  3. I'd bet 3D ruins it. it looks ok, some thing just doesn't feel right about it tho.
  4. yep it works and all i gotta say is OMG! that looks awesome.
  5. man we've been begging for that one since the first one came out. i don't think nintendo is listening tho.
  6. I don't mind banners, and pop ups are no problem with a pop up blocker. if it helps 1emu then I am for it. i agree that they should atleast have something to do with what we are about here. no punch the monkey crap.
  7. newsgroups rock as long as you check em everyday. my newsgroups server purges every 2 days. the speed is fantastic too. for other stuff mostly overnet and kazaa lite k++ bittorrent is slow as hell for me.
  8. Just wondering what everyone can't wait for as far as dvds games or music. if you are exited about something and know the release date post it here! as for me I am only exited about a few music releases: the nekromantix - dead girls don't cry. this one should be out any day. tiger army - ghost tigers rise. june 29th it seems so far away reverend horton heat - revival. also june 29th, A real red letter day for rockabilly fans! and the still unnamed social distortion album, I seen them in jan. '01 and they said "the new album will be out by summer." yeah? summer of when? I still can't wait tho.
  9. Well, that still makes it a good deal. yah that makes it a great deal. I didn't bother looking up the mvs prices on the kof games he got but I am sure he payed less then a thirdof teh current retail price for the whole shibang
  10. at www.neo-geo.com the metal slug mvs is going for $135.00 the jp aes is going for $1.950.00.
  11. i thought that was the name of the final fantasy fighting game? or was that something else.
  12. they are totally different, I didn't like the GEN version.
  13. not me.. if there were no fee, maybe but still doubtful. the matrix just isn't all that anymore. if this game woulda came out before the 2 sequels it would be huge! but the last 2 movies and the last game have tainted the matrix licence.
  14. My sentiments exactly. Is the emulation scene dying? it seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more later. people leave and sites close everyday. there are always more youngsters to fill the holes. to bad madman is leaving but I'm sure he has his reasons.
  15. perfect opportunity for something new like DC vs Capcom. think of it, Lobo vs Akuma, Batman Vs Ryu! it boggles the mind
  16. n3o is catching mad breaks! I am happy for you man! at least those awesome games and your new cab aren't in the hands of some musty old collecter!
  17. street fighter 4 (obviously) shadowrun 2 a new 2d mortal kombat
  18. wow great deal ghost! definately post some pics. the candy machine is the short white cab right?
  19. OMG do you mind if I ask how much you payed? I've been wanting a cab and 4 slot forever. as for your question, I'd say MS3 is a good choice since you already have 3 great fighters listed. a nice fast paced shoot em up would be cool. and when friends are over, it's something non competative, so they can cool down after you own them at the fighters I'd prolly switch SS4 for a KOF. kof really represents snk so it's a no brainer.
  20. I noticed that gamefaqs isn't always the best place. for instance there is no faq for nba ballers. no need really since is is a straight forward b-ball game. but the buttons are a bit criptic.
  21. ever baught a used game with no manual? or a rental with no manual. or heaven forbid you are a bad guy and downloaded a game. well here is something I just found out. if you end up with a game that doesn't list the buttons or whatever. go to www.gamefly.com, pick your system and game and there is a tab with basic button related stuff. this really helped me with nba ballers.
  22. and you have to remember we lost a few days worth of posts due to the haxoring incedent.........rose would prolly have 1300 post if not for that! lol
  23. agreed, when mk came out SF was the only game in town Mk was completely fresh and since everyone knew the whole qcf, hcb stuff the way MK's specials were done was completely new. anyways what was this topic about.......I tried to avoid it untill I was sucked in by MK.
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