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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Dude I hate Peeps too. most easter candy is wack, except for plain ole hollow chocolate bunnies and regular jelly beans.
  2. I really do like to dress up when it's appropriate. I look pretty damn good in a suit and tie if i do say so myself. I don't get alot of opportunity though
  3. when I am not at work or "out" then I am pretty bummy. old jeans or shorts, slip on vans and t-shirts. socks are optional. hahah. usually a baseball cap cuz I can't be bothered to go through the whole hair process. but a few days ago I shaved my head real close so no more hair worries.
  4. the Departed is a bad ass movie. but I can't watch anything with Mark Walberg with out thinking of this http://www.hulu.com/watch/37753/saturday-n...alks-to-animals
  5. Young Guns. Haven't seen it in so long. it used to be a favorite of mine. still good but other westerns have come along that I like more. Airheads. funny rock and roll movie. Austin Powers (original) still way too silly funny. the other 2 weren't near as good.
  6. I don't like the looks of this guy. or the other new chick for that matter. I am stoked for the SFIII characters though. In reality I'll probably stick with Akuma and Blanka though.
  7. More Just Cause 2. I use the Final Fantasy and Resonance of Fate discs to put my beer on. don't want those ugly rings on my coffee table.
  8. people are paying that much. it's rediculous. it's freakin' starcraft, not Jesus in your PC. nah I don't have any invites or anything.
  9. yep, unless you've got a stake in the retard convention over in the xbox section there really isn't much going on. It's sad but there really isn't anything to be done. unless Gamecop came back and completely changed the site to something relavent. No one cares about emulation anymore. Hell I haven't run a ROM since who knows when. It's just pure habit to come here now.
  10. yep, it's 1000 times more fun to grapple a speeding car to a road (instant flip) then grind it out in the latest jrpgs. I'm not big on frustration these days. I chalk both FFXIII and RoF up as wasted discs. why can't may just get here already. Red Dead and SKate 3 are all I need. played the Splinter Cell Demo. seems like it's gonna be pretty fun
  11. resonance of fate is brutal hard... I've made runs on the first boss like 15 times and never came close. Just cause time.
  12. resonance of fate it's more traditional then FFXIII
  13. they get names from the DMV now too, so if you have a drivers license or state issues ID you'll be on the list too. I'm not registered to vote either and got called in last month.
  14. just pack yourself in a big steamer trunk and send yourself EMS!
  15. Metro2033 story seems good, looks fine. gunplay is weak so far. we shall see. FFII on ipod isn't it amazing how a 20 year old game is over 1 billion times better then the latest edition?
  16. you do know this thread is 2 FUCKING YEARS OLD right?!?!
  17. I'm not seeing anything to get excited about in that trailer. I loved the first Deus Ex on PC the second was trash. hopefully they do something good with this one.
  18. they don't have any money in china either. so you'll fit right in!
  19. I hear it really opens up around 30 hrs. I dunno if I can put that kind of time into it as is.
  20. speaking of exploding muscles, I watched a show about a sperm whale that exploded while being transported on a flatbed truck in asia. that was cool. my wife almost puked.
  21. jumped into Call of Jericho 2 just to take some sting off waiting for Red Dead Redemption.
  22. I watched some show on discovery about a dude that had arms like that. it was called "the man who's arms exploded" or something. he was injecting straight into his bicep too. it was pretty gross as you could imagine from the title.
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