I couldn't resist the call of an early release so I've been playing FFXIII for the last 2 days. precautions have been taken, networks unplugged, clocks set forward. ect. I'm not the best guy to comment on FF. I generally don't buy into the hype. and have only margenally enjoyed past outing. after about 16 hours of confusion, here is what I can say: WTF? there are no towns, no exploration, no leveling, no side quests. they have distilled FF to what I like least, the battles and whiny characters. it's battle after battle on a linear path to a cut scene where cry baby characters cry baby some more before moving on the next linear path of battles. the 2 youth characters, Hope and Vanille may be the 2 most annoying characters ever in video game history. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stomach it.