Cabin Fever 2. stay away, stay FAR away. even if you liked the first one. the only thing this movie has going for it is the Stoner Cop from the first one.
Dante's Inferno. QTEs = fail. can't play this one within a 100 yds of my kids or they'll be scarred by titties with mouths for nipples. fuck off dante. Bio Shock 2. I dunno what it is about this but I do not like it. I loved the first one. AvP = meh. still haven't gotten all the way through Mass Effect 2. there isn't anything I am really psyched about playing until Red Dead Redemption in april.
I got nothing going on during the weekends exept work and sleep. on my days off I have to put together a bunk bed. I need to jump back into Mass effect 2. I also have Dante's Inferno to check out. then when ever I get them, I have to install some new pickups and tuning machines in my guitar.
book of Eli (again) The Road - I need to watch this one again due to the low volume of the movie I was missing a bunch of dialog. but from what I seen it was pretty good. The Amityville Horror 05 - not as good as the original, even farther from the book then the original. I watched about half of daybreakers but thought it was stupid.
I played the Jap version. I love the art style. I wish SFIV went with the same style. looks more retro but still new to me. as for teh controls I only played with a wiimote so I didn't get the best experience. not to mention the whole thing was in Japanese. I'd like to grab the US version but my wii is permanently at my moms for when she watches my kids after school. I really wish Capcom would just port it to 360 and PS3, everyone should get a chance to play it.
I'm all for tattoos, earrings not so much, I have 3 ear and an 1 eyebrow piercing but I haven't worn anything in them since the early 90s. Hair dye is for womerns, that's all there is to it.