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Everything posted by Inky

  1. is not good. I don't remember it tasting like poo when I was a kid.
  2. it's teh end of the world. sell your computer and buy canned food.
  3. this happened a few weeks ago, not last night. and what is your point to the post to begin with? are you reporting it as news? condemning the guys behavior? or celebrating your gayness?
  4. since my xbox is crapped out I started Mass effect 2 over on PC.
  5. I forsee firmware wars like on the PSP, constant do nothing forced updates from sony and days later new CFW. Blueray is still too expensive for piracy. so unless they figure a way to play from harddrive with out a disc it's a nonstarter.
  6. I played the first little bit of Bayonetta and my xbox dvd drive decided to crap out for what seems to be the last time. I can't get anything to load now, originals, backups, movies, nothing. Ordered a new drive, guess I am out of business until that arrives next week.
  7. It's a great game, you could have alot of fun and practice before the next one comes out. If you have it on PC though I'd say just wait for teh next version. can't you use the PS3 pad on PS3?
  8. I haven't played Bayonetta, I'm uninterested. but Darksiders is pretty bad ass. I just finished my first playthrough and am starting again to hold me until Mass Effect 2 & Bioshock 2 hits.
  9. The Book of Eli = Bad ass, It's like Fallout 3 the movie. Denzel does it like he always does. Gary Oldmen plays the villian like only he does. if you are one of those internet religion haters save your time. Christianity plays a major role in this movie. It's not shoved down your throat but it is there every step of the way.
  10. I've never been knocked out in a fight, I've KOed myself doing stupid shit on bikes and skateboards. and once in 8th grade I got sucker punched by this huge dude, but it was my head bouncing off the pavement not the punch that put my lights out.
  11. He's totally gonna have sex with his cell phone.
  12. Snatcher is the only thing worth playing on sega cd.
  13. I love giant fat cats. I do not however like cat fur all over everything. it's a conundrum.
  14. that's the line MTV is giving. I've read from others in the bar that he was not cut off or stealing drinks. look at it. he is standing at the bar with a drink in his hand and other drinks in front of him. they would have bounced him out of there if he was cut off and still drinking right in front of the bartender. her roided up guido roommates would have been handling him. I've only seen parts of 3 episodes and in each one of those guys ended up in a fight. She has a mouth on her, one of those eps I seen she got into a fight with 3 chicks that she was mouthing off too.
  15. Thrashin'. 80's skateboarding. August Underground. I don't know why I keep watching these horrible handicam horror films.
  16. the old versions of SSB are known to ruin Disc Drives. Nintendo even admitted it and did a huge exchange of the games and Wiis
  17. I just think the look on his face as he slowly turns to her is too funny. I wonder what she said to him right then, cuz whatever it was is what set him off. My ol' lady watches Jersey Shore. I've seen a bit of a few episodes and it is a real train wreck. It's also funny the guy between them trying to order a drink gets clipped right in the nose. He's like "Hey, let me get 2 Vodk.." POW!
  18. get a cheap usb harddrive and just load it up from coverfloader or something like that. flock discs
  19. Yeah you're talking about Apophis. Probably the most dangerous NEO in modern times, but I think we have the technology to deal with it before it potentially changes course for Earth (if it does). I'd also worry about Yellowstone erupting. That's probably the most imminent and large-scale threat (short of an asteroid hitting us) that may happen and while it won't kill all humans it'll cover half the planet in an ash covered winter for many years, bottle-necking human lineage a second time as it did during the Toba Catastrophe. yeah yellowstone is a scary thought too. damn you Discovery channel with all your end of the world scenario shows.
  20. none of that is gonna matter when a huge asteroid lands in your back yard. there is an asteroid that is going to pass within the orbit of the moon in like 2023, some are sayig it will pass close enough to smash into our GPS satellites. at that time it may pass within a small window of space where our gravity could sling shot it back right into us on it's second pass in like 2036.
  21. when ever I don't have anything else to play I always go back to Skate 2. it's my favorite game of this generation, hands down.
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